15 - Oblivious

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Xingqiu covered his mouth with one hand while his other held his book, Xiangling sitting across from him at her restaurant.

"You look bothered, Xingqiu. And your face is reeaally red." She leaned over the table and plucked the book out of his hand, being careful to keep his page.

"Are you dreaming about Chongyun again? Oh Chongyun, I love you so, soooo much! Will you do me the honor of being my romantic partner?" She giggled, mimicking Xingqiu.

"For the record my liege, I wasn't dreaming about him. I was simply thinking of him." Xingqiu crossed his arms, his face earning a redder hue.

"That's the same thing! Ugh, why don't you just tell him how you feel?" Xiangling threw her arms up.

"Because I may just be a friend to him, nothing more. Which is such a shame..."

Xiangling looked over his shoulder then quickly back at him. "How come?"

"How come I want to be more than his friend?" He blushed.

Xiangling nodded frantically.

"Well, because he's simply amazing. Not to mention very cute. He is rather gullible and oblivious to many things, but that's part of what makes him so charming. He's always ready to help me, or even just to read to me, and I've been told he admires me so."

Xingqiu exhaled before he concluded. "I've fallen for the most oblivious person we know. Sometimes, it is both a blessing and a curse."

"Who are you talking about Xingqiu?"

Fearfully, Xingqiu turned and met eyes with none other than Chongyun himself, holding a popsicle.

"What do you mean?" Xingqiu asked before he heard Xiangling facepalm behind him.

"You seem to be talking about someone fondly." Chongyun commented as he sat down next to him.

"Is it... that you like someone Xingqiu?" Chongyun concluded.

"Yes. Yes he does." Xiangling said quickly, earning a glare from the hydro boy.

"Can I know who it is? You mentioned that they are your friend, and that it's a boy. But other than myself, I don't think I've heard of any other male friends you have." Chongyun wondered aloud, thinking hard.

Xiangling looked over at him from across the table with a "you've gotta tell him now" look, to which he responded by shaking his head no.

"So... is that a no?"

"Here, how about you play a guessing game? If you get it right, then you know who it is!" Xiangling suggested.

"Alright!" Chongyun turns to Xingqiu and starts thinking, even with Xingqiu's silent protesting.

"Is it... Bennett? Or someone from Mondstadt that you told me about on your trip a while ago?"He guessed.


"Someone you met in Inazuma?"


"Really? Okay then... is it me?" He joked.

Xingqiu didn't reply.

"Iiiiiii'm gonna go." Xiangling said quickly before heading back to the kitchen to watch from afar.

"Its...me?" He said astonished.

"I'm sorry, my liege. I didn't want to tell you cause I didn't want to ruin our friendship. And now I have."

"Xingqiu, you didn't ruin anything!" Chongyun reassured him, resting a hand on the other's leg.

"I had no idea you liked me, and I've never thought of having a crush on you before..." he turned his loving eyes to him. "But I think I'd like to try."


I cannot thank you guys enough for reading my story, you guys are awesome have a cookie 🍪

I've been thinking of writing a celebratory chapter for one of these milestones but idk what that would look like-

If I figure it out I'll let you know and if not I'll probably ask for suggestions lmao


Written: May 14, 2022

Finished/Published: May 18, 2022

(Word Count: 633)

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