22 - Surprise

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It was a Friday morning in Xingqiu's room, and Xingqiu and Chongyun had had a sleepover the night before.

Enjoying the comfort of being in his boyfriend's arms, Xingqiu didn't want to have to ruin the moment and get up, but he knew he had to.

"Yun, I need you to let go please." He said softly to the sleeping boy.

"Mm? Why?" He murmured drowsily while loosening his grip.

"I have a meeting with one of my father's clients this morning." Xingqiu told him quietly, getting out of bed and getting dressed.

"When do you come back?" Chongyun asked him sadly, sitting up in bed.

"I should only be two and a half hours. How 'bout this: you go back to bed, and by the time you wake up, I *yawn* should be back. It's only 5:30 a.m. anyways."


"Don't worry, I'll be back before you know it."

Squishing the other's face in his hands, Xingqiu gave the tired boy a kiss goodbye and ruffled his hair before heading out the door.

"What do I do now?" Chongyun thought, sitting criss-cross on Xingqiu's bed. He pulled at the ends of the shorts he borrowed from Xingqiu the night before while he thought, pouting to himself.

"By the time you wake up, I should be back." The line replayed in his mind while he considered sleep.

"I'm not tired though."

He stood up and grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil from Xingqiu's desk before sitting back in his spot and tapping the pen to his chin, debating what to fill the paper with.

"Maybe I could write him something before he gets back." He though aloud, setting his mind to the idea.

Working hard, he wrote and erased for what felt like forever, barely noticing when Xingqiu entered the room again hours later.

"I've returned my liege~!" He whisper-shouts when he opens the door. Xingqiu's eyes landed on the other boy, in deep concentration on whatever he was writing.

"Oh? What are you writing Chongyun?" He asked, sitting next to him on the bed.

"I'm writing a poem. I got bored while you were away, so I thought I'd try it out." Chongyun told him, making a few last adjustments before handing it over.

Xingqiu hummed in satisfaction while he read the poem, admiring both the words and the handwriting.

"I don't think you mentioned the poem was about me~" he teased.

"It's embarrassing so I didn't..."

"It's not embarrassing, it's cute!"

Xingqiu stood up and set it on top of his desk, then pointed at a blank space on his wall.

"I'm going to hang it up there later." He smiled.

"But what if someone reads it?" Chongyun panicked.

"Most papers in my room are filled with my own writings, so chances are no one will bother to try and read it if they think it's my own handwriting." Xingqiu reassured him, sitting back down.

"I guess it's okay then. By the way, would you still want to-?" Chongyun put his arms out, inviting him to embrace him.

"Yes, I am still rather tired. And I think you may be too~" Xingqiu said, tapping his nose and letting the other hold him.

After quick getting up to change back to comfy clothes and shut off the lights, Xingqiu was quickly enveloped by the others arms and kisses on the cheek, both of which he greatly accepted.


Xingqiu's brother definitely saw the note and teased him about it for weeks

Written: June 1, 2022

Finished/Published: June 5, 2022

(Word Count: 606)

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