81 - Lip Gloss

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Xingqiu was fond of teasing his boyfriend.

Very fond.

There was nothing much cuter than seeing Chongyun react to his teasings, whether that be going on and on about how attractive he looks wearing something, marveling at his strength (a personal favorite) or some other method, so Xingqiu prided himself on figuring out what his next plan of action would be.

He smacks his lips before pouting in front of his mirror, closely studying the layer of pink lipgloss he's applied to see if it would do the trick.

It had to be subtle so Chongyun wouldn't notice it, but not so subtle that it wouldn't do anything.

He takes a tissue and folds it neatly into a little square before pressing his lips into the material and drawing it back, seeing that it left a perfect little kiss mark to brighten up the otherwise clean surface.

He smiles in satisfaction and goes over his lips with it a few more times for good measure before slipping the lipgloss tube into his pocket and heading out, humming off-key to himself while he heads into town to find Chongyun before they leave for training.


"Xing's never late...what's keeping hi-?"

"There you are!" Xingqiu steps out from around the corner and waves to him. "My apologies, I got a little sidetracked on my way here..."

"That's okay. Are you ready for training today?" Chongyun looks at him with as much excitement as he can muster without riling up his condition. He lets Xingqiu pull him to his feet before his cheek is met with Xingqiu's lips, those of which he notices feel different than usual.

"Did you put on chapstick or something? Your lips feel kinda different." Chongyun tips his head in wonder.

"I in fact did not, but I'm rather impressed that you can tell when my lips feel different. You must like them that much, huh?" He giggles, kissing his other cheek, and holding his tongue when he sees the two glittery kiss marks.

Chongyun blushes at his comment before dragging him away by his hand, much to Xingqiu's amusement. "I just know because you like to kiss me so much...it's nothing special..."

"Well today is the perfect day to kiss you even more, isn't it? I'd think hard training deserves some mighty rewards, right?" He grins.

His smile only deepens when he sees Chongyun turn redder and not reply, knowing that his teasing is going just as planned.


Chongyun laid down with his hood covering his view of the sun, breathing heavily from training so hard already. His face flares red from the exercise and from the feeling of his boyfriend's lips all over his face after each task, and when he hears Xingqiu call for him he bites the inside of his cheek to keep from blushing anymore.

"Done for today? Or are you doing anything more?" Xingqiu asks him while he tucks something into his pocket and kisses the tip of nose.

"Done. I'm getting too hot to do anything more." He replies, blushing after the kiss. "What's in your pocket?"

"What's in my pocket? Just some jewelry I took off." Xingqiu smiles innocently at him.

Chongyun narrows his eyes a little at him, knowing there's something more going on. He'd known Xingqiu long enough that he knows when he's teasing him, even if it takes a little while.

"Let me see. What kind of jewelry is it?" He asks.

"Just a ring and an earring, nothing special really..." Xingqiu waves his hand to signal no big deal.

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