82 - Amber Eyes

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"...that's it, really. Just been feeling down about myself lately since I haven't come up with anything, that's all." Chongyun laughs bitterly at himself. "Maybe I'm not cut out for this stuff after all."

He barely gets the chance to finish his sentence, let alone breath when Xingqiu's warm fingers encompass his cheeks, the edges of his perfectly trimmed and painted nails against his ears.

"Why on earth would you say such things?" Xingqiu demands, giving him a deep frown while his eyebrows curve down to give him the impression that no, Chongyun, I don't find self-depreciation funny.

"Wh-what do you mean?" He fumbles his words, his cheeks growing hotter than usual while he acknowledges Xingqiu's soft hands and even softer looking lips.

"I mean, why are you putting yourself down?!" He elaborates, looking at him bewildered. His amber eyes squint and study him in concern, the more yellow parts of his irises glowing from the sunlight, giving the impression of melted honey.

"It's just been a long week and I'm tired. Finding nothing really sucks I guess..." He explains, trying to form proper words. He has to look him in the eye, but it's hard when it's the part of him he wants to avoid looking at right now, especially because it's looking better by the second as the oranges and yellows mix together and contrast his dark pupils.

"Well stop. I don't want you to put yourself down, you're an amazing exorcist. Do you understand me?" He looks at him seriously, tugging at his cheeks.

"Yesth, I understhand you." Chongyun manages to say while Xingqiu pulls them.

"Good. I better not hear any more of that." Xingqiu crosses his arms, pulling away and leaving Chongyun's face feeling hotter than normal.

"You got it..." Chongyun replies. He takes one last look at his eyes before going to study the grass instead, watching a ladybug fly from one blade of grass to another.

"Won't happen again..."


"So yeah, I feel like maybe I'm not good enough." Chongyun shrugs.

Xingqiu's head bolts up from his book to stare at Chongyun in shock before he pokes him in the chest. "What did we talk about last time?!"

Chongyun can barely process his sentence because he's busy gazing into Xingqiu's eyes, softening at how goddamn gorgeous they are.

He had quickly realized if he wanted an excuse to stare into his eyes again, he'd have to go against Xingqiu's word, even if he felt a little guilty for doing so.

The next time they hung out, which happened to be today, he started off again, and it seemed like it had the desired affect.

What with his eyes and the closer contact, Chongyun's didn't even really mind that Xingqiu was lecturing him. He actually kinda liked it, watching Xingqiu get a little out of character and such.

"Are you listening? Teyvat to Chongyun?" He waves a hand in front of his eyes.

"H-huh? Yeah, course I'm listening." Chongyun's nods fast, immediately blushing again.

Xingqiu continued on about not putting himself down, going into how he's far too great to be talking badly about himself, and how if he keeps saying it he's going to walk into everything with doubt - or at least that's what he could pick up while he was distracted, anyway.

His shiny eyes took on an almost pinker hue because of the end of the day, blending into a myriad of pretty colors Chongyun could look at all day.

Xingqiu's eyes were like a vibrant sunset, or gold when the sun hits it just right. Sometimes he swore he could see little flecks of brown in them, adding to their depth and his fascination with them as a whole.

"...do you get it now?" Xingqiu raises an eyebrow at him when he tunes back in.

"Yes. Won't happen again." Chongyun nods, knowing damn well he's gonna do it again the next time they see each other.


The next time they saw each other, they were getting ready to head out of Wangshu Inn from their little break after adventuring for a little while.

"The sun's so hot..." Chongyun starts, watching Xingqiu intently while he places a hand over his head to shade him and keeps going. "I can barely handle it...guess my trainings been all for nothi-"

Xingqiu groans loudly, turning around and roughly trapping him against the side wall, glaring at him. "I get the feeling, dear Chongyun, that you're starting to do this on purpose, and that's quite unlike you. What's going on?"

Chongyun becomes hyper aware of the fact his back is pressed up against the wall and Xingqiu is millimeters away from him, those amber eyes a little cloudier than usual given the shade and his current attitude. His rosy cheeks gets a little pinker, and his shoulders tense, and he knows he's gonna have to come clean.

But he ends up blurting out a little more than he intended to.

"Your eyes are breathtaking and I wanted to see them closer." He admits, his face immediately getting prickly hot while he stares down at his shoes in embarrassment.

Xingqiu lifts his chin and raises an eyebrow, and it's clear to Chongyun that he's suppressing the biggest smirk. "Why didn't you just say so? How close do you want them to be?"

"I-well-" he mumbles, the heat getting to his head faster than he could react.

He meets eyes with him, those absolutely jaw dropping eyes, before he roughly grabs his face and kisses him.

Xingqiu blinks in surprise, every single thought in his brain floating away and drifting in the wind. He always expecting that he'd be the one kissing Chongyun first, but he clearly beat him to it. Honestly, he wasn't even really upset about it either. Chongyun thought his eyes were breathtaking. And he guesses he thinks his lips are too to be kissing him for this long.

He places a hand over Chongyun's, feeling his fingers quickly slip over Chongyun's to hang off his wrist because he didn't realize how not ready he was for this.

He breaks the kiss after a moment, praying Chongyun hasn't completely overheated at this point, when he slumps against the wall and falls to the floor, out cold.

Xingqiu shakes his head and wipes his lips, the hot feeling of his touch still there when he crouched down to ruffle up his hair a little and sit beside him.

"Wonder if he'll still be able to call me breathtaking when he wakes up." He muses to himself, smiling while he opens his book.

He notices Chongyun's free palm open beside him, and he tucks his fingers in between his, his mind cluttered with the thought of his shiny blue eyes.


I lost my 50/50 to Tighnari and then 14 pulls later Lyney came home

And I got r4 Wolf's Gravestone on Standard Banner

Now I just need Lyney's weapon and I'll have everything I wanted 😌

Written: August 20th, 2023

Finished/Published: August 20th, 2023

(Word Count: 1,177)

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