78 - Contents of a Secret Letter

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This is a modern au where they're in fourth grade btw

"Before we go to lunch, I wanted us to start on a new activity." Mrs. Lisa tells the class, writing on the board.

"For a little writing exercise, all of you will write a letter for someone who's really important to you in the school. It can be about anything, just make sure it's nice and appropriate." She explains to them.

All the kids take out paper and pencils, most of them already having someone in mind. Chongyun, unfortunately, did not.

Should he write to one of his friends? Or maybe a teacher?

He looks over at Xingqiu, his best friend, who's writing away. It didn't shock him, Xingqiu was really good at reading and writing already since he liked it so much, but he wished he had someone in mind like he did.

"Xingqiu?" He asks amongst the chatter of his classmates, tugging at his sleeve.

The other boy looks over at him, smiling brightly. "Yes Chongyun?"

"I don't know who to write to." He admits.

"It can't be that hard! Just write a letter to anyone who means a lot to you. You could write to Mrs. Lisa, or your friend, or-", he leaned in closer to him. "Your crush!"

He blushed at his words. There was no way he'd write to his crush! But he didn't know who else to write to...

It wasn't like they were giving the notes to those people anyways, so it would be fine!

"Thanks Xingqiu!" He thanks him, at last given the motivation to write.

In truth, he'd had a teeny tiny crush on his best friend for a while, but he didn't dare say anything about it.

At least this way he'd actually have something to write about instead of just sitting there.

He finishes the letter, putting Xingqiu's name on it and folding it up before sitting back and feeling proud of his work.

"Alright everyone, who's ready to go to lunch?" Mrs. Lisa asks them all.

All of the fourth graders shot up, following Mrs. Lisa out of the classroom.

Well, all except for Xingqiu.

He was so caught up in finishing his note that he hadn't noticed everyone leaving at first, and he hurriedly shoved the letter in his desk before pushing in his chair.

He was about to run out of the room when he noticed Chongyun's note sitting neatly on his desk upside down, and he'd be lying if he said he wasn't curious who he ended up writing to.

Taking a last glance at the door to make sure no one would come running in, he unfolded the note and read its contents, finding not only the fact that it was addressed to him, but also that it was a love letter.

He carefully folded it back up and set it back down on his desk before happily leaving the classroom.

He had already been in a good mood, but this just made it ten times better!

"Where were you?" Chongyun asks him when he joined him in line.

"Just finishing my letter." He hums.


"Alright class, now it's time for the final part!" Mrs. Lisa announces when they come back from lunch and recess.

"Final part? What's she talking about?" Chongyun wonders.

"Now, we're going to deliver these letters! A show of hands, how many of you have finished your letters?" She asks.

Every hand shot up.

"Wonderful! Go ahead and deliver those letters now then!" She smiles.

Chongyun's heart drops while his classmates start exchanging letters. He couldn't give Xingqiu his letter! No way!

"Chongyun, who'd you end up writing your letter to?" Xingqiu asks him when neither of them got up from their seats.

"No one." He says fast.

"That's a lie, I saw you writing earlier! Plus you folded it up all nice and neat and stuff." He says, standing up to read the name he already knew was there.

"Me? What's so embarrassing about writing to me?" He asks innocently, reaching for the note when Chongyun took it away.

"It's...it's not good, you won't want to read it anyways." He says, embarrassed.

"That's not fair, I wrote to you too and I was gonna give you mine!" He pouts.

"He wrote to me too?" Chongyun thinks. "Can I see yours first?"

"Only if you promise to let me see yours after." Xingqiu put his hands on his hips.


Xingqiu hands him his note, and Chongyun reads it with growing intrigue.

If the little hand drawn heart at the end plus the actual contents of the letter wasn't enough to tell him it was a love letter, then nothing was.

"So?" Xingqiu asks, bobbing his head around.

Chongyun didn't reply and just handed him the note he wrote, and Xingqiu read it again.

"I like it!" He smiles, giving him a hug. "We can keep each other's notes, right?"

He nods against his shoulder, blushing and hugging him back. "Mmhm."

From afar, Mrs. Lisa saw them hugging. While she didn't know what had happened, she was glad that her students got along so well.

"Those two will be best friends later on." She chuckles to herself.


Written: ???

Finished/Published: August 1st, 2023

(Word Count: 878)

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