8 - Too Close! (Part 2)

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All week, Xingqiu had continued to pester Chongyun about the "top-secret-thing-that-no-one-can-know about", but to no avail.

Chongyun had managed to dodge the question thus far, but the other boy was getting restless.
He had even started getting messages about it before he went to bed and when he woke up.

By Friday morning, Chongyun knew he had to tell him for the sake of his sanity.

He opened his phone to see two messages: one from Hu Tao, and the other from Xingqiu.

Xingqiu🤍: Are you going to tell me that top-secret-thing-that-no-one-can-know-about? It's already Friday, Yun. I don't know how much longer I can bear it! (Lol)
7:20 a.m.

Hu Tao: Has Xingqiu sent u a text yet ab the t.s.t.t.n.o.c.k.a.? U should prob just tell him already, Xiangling n me are rooting 4 u!!!
7:14 a.m.

Chongyun sighed as he read them over before sending back his replies.

Hu Tao

Hu Tao: Has Xingqiu sent you a text yet ab the t.s.t.t.n.o.c.k.a.? U should prob just tell him already, Xiangling n me r rooting 4 u!!!
7:14 a.m.

Chongyun: yes he has. Im going to tell him today. Thank you.
7:22 a.m.

Hu Tao: omg ur such a dry texter 😀 anyways u have a plan???
7:22 a.m.

Chongyun: I don't text dryly? And no, not yet
7:22 a.m.

Hu Tao: yea ok, lemme know when u got 1
7:23 a.m.

After his short conversation with Hu Tao, he switched to his messages with Xingqiu.

He hesitated before sending the text, knowing that he couldn't go back from it because both Xingqiu and Hu Tao would hound him about it for forever if he didn't follow through. On the other hand though, his favorite boy in the whole world would like him back.

Before questioning his decision any longer, he hit send.



Xingqiu checked his messages while he was brushing his teeth in the morning and almost dropped his toothbrush in the sink once he glanced at the screen.


Xingqiu: Are you going to tell me that top-secret-thing-that-no-one-can-know-about? It's already Friday, Yun. I don't know how much longer I can bear it! (Lol)
7:20 a.m.

❤️Yun-Yun❤️: I'm going to tell you today at school, end of the day.
7:24 a.m.

Gripping his phone tightly, Xingqiu re-read the message what must have been 109 times before typing up a reply

Xingqiu: Really?
7:25 a.m

❤️Yun-Yun❤️: Yes, really.
7:25 a.m.

Xingqiu: can't wait :)
7:26 a.m.

Xingqiu breathes out heavily as he looks up at his messy, uneven hair in the mirror and lifts up the longest piece of navy hair, inspecting it in the mirror.

Today was the day, he could feel it.


Come the end of the day, Xingqiu waited outside in their usual spot in front of the school long after everyone was gone, leaning up on his tiptoes and then falling back down for his heels to hit the pavement.

The boy he was waiting for came out of the school entrance moments later, and he smiled and waved to him.

"So, my liege, is there perhaps a secret you wish to share?" He asked vaguely.

Chongyun nodded as his cheeks flushed pink and he looked down to the ground, fiddling with one of his sweatshirt strings.

"Oh Chongyun, have you gotten nervous? It's just me!"

Xingqiu placed his hands on either side of the others face and grinned again.

"I promise that whatever you tell me I'll receive with open ears. Whether that be a normal secret, or a secret crush~" He laughed.

Chongyun's face was aflame by this part of the conversation. Xingqiu's hands on his face, his back fingers under his hair and the others cupping his features, his amber eyes gazing back at him in playful anticipation, and how he was still leaning back and forth on his tiptoes.

Oh yeah, and the whole "secret crush" part.

Was he really sure Xingqiu didn't already know at this point? Kind of.

He returned the look with his eyes of ice and brought his own hands up to loosely hang onto Xingqiu's wrists.

"Actually...yes. I do have a crush on someone." He admitted finally.

Xingqiu's eyes widened and brightened at the reply. "Really? Who?"

"Well, it's, um..."

He was so close, why did he have to quit now?

Xingqiu was still staring back at him expectantly, seemingly very intrigued by what the answer would be.

"IT'S YOU!" He yelled, not thinking straight from the situation.

Looking up, if Chongyun could have chosen any moment in his life to capture, it would have been this one.

Xingqiu's whole expression fell apart and changed to utter shock and silence, something Chongyun barely ever got to experience from the other.

"Y-you like... me? Like, like like me?" Xingqiu managed to say.

He nodded.

"Woah. I never actually thought that..."

"Thought what?"

Xingqiu's cheerful composer came back to answer. "That you'd find favor in me just as I have in you."

After a few moments, both of them looked anywhere but at the other, Xingqiu's hands falling back to his sides.

"So, what do you want to do next?" Xingqiu asked, kicking a rock across the ground.

"We could...go on a date? Sorry, I've never dated anyone before." Chongyun apologized, sharing his inexperience.

"Neither have I. So what if we just took it at our own pace? We can go out right now if you'd like."

Xingqiu inched closer to him and tucked his hand firmly in the other's.

"Okay, that sounds like a good idea." Chongyun affirmed, tightening his hand around Xingqiu's.

The two headed off to talk about their new relationship somewhere else, with Hu Tao and Xiangling watching from inside the school's entrance.

"I don't think we need to hear what they said to know that they're together now." Xiangling grinned.

"Agreed. Now I don't have to listen to Chongyun pitch confession ideas to me anymore." Hu Tao sighed in thankfulness.

"Yeah, but he still might ask for advice on his relationship since you're already dating someone."

Hu Tao whined and sank down to lay on the floor.

"Aiya, we can't win, can we?"

"I guess not, but at least they're happy."


Started: April 5, 2022

Finished/Published: April 6, 2022

(Word Count: 1,080

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