31 - Wake Up

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"And slowly...they both...zzzzz...."

Xingqiu's book fell with a thump, his voice droning off into soft mumbles as he fell asleep against his companion's shoulder.

A rising heat was crawling up Chongyun's neck and making him feel like he'd need a popsicle soon, the contact from his crush enough to make him go quieter than usual.

He turned to admire the other boy, noticing that his typically animated manner was now a calm, peaceful expression.

Earlier he had expressed to the exorcist that he had been up late writing out a new idea he had, and that he was awake far longer than he should have been, so it was no wonder he fell asleep.

Gently picking up his book and bookmarking the page so they could continue it later, he in turn leaned his head on his.

"It's okay just for now, right? Xingqiu shouldn't mind."

"Hi Chongyun! I just came up with this new dish idea, you've got to try it!"

Xiangling came bouncing up to him with Guoba at her heels, holding two bowls of food. She held the colder one out to him.

"Xiangling, could you maybe... come back later?" He whispers to her with a finger to his lips.

She cocked her head. "Why?"

"Xingqiu's asleep."

She took a look at the other boy and nodded, a cheerful smile on her face. "I got it! I won't ruin the romantic moment!"

She motioned for Guoba to follow her back, and the two disappeared around a corner back to Wanmin restaurant.

"Whew...that shouldn't have woken him up."

"Oh oh? Xingqiu's asleep?"

Dreading the next person he had to talk to, he met eyes with another one of his pyro-wielding companions.

"Yes. Please don't wake him up." He stated seriously. Xingqiu would be protecting him if he were asleep too. And archons he looked so flipping cute sleeping on his shoulder that he didn't want this moment to end - at least not without putting up a fight.

Ignoring him, Hu Tao walked around the two at the bench they were seated at, a devilish grin on her face before she positioned her hands just above his shoulders.

"I said don't wake him up!" Chongyun hissed nervously, hoping it'd stop her.

"I wasn't gonna wake him, just... give him a little tap, that's all." She laughed, poking Chongyun before she left.

"Watch over him carefully loverboy~! You never know what could wake him!"

Chongyun sighed and tried to ignore all the distractions, once again trying to enjoy his time with Xingqiu when-

"Hiya Chongyun! We haven't seen you in a while!"

Paimon flew up to him, with Aether just behind.

"Is Xingqiu alright?" She asked.

"I think he's just asleep, Paimon." Aether told her.

"Ooooh. Are you watching over him? You're such a good friend, Chongyun!"

"Mmhmm, good friend..." he blushed.

"I think we should come back another time, Paimon." Aether said, getting the hint.

"But why? We only just said hello!"

"Didn't you want to go try that new dish Xiangling made?" Aether reminded her.

"Oh yeah! Bye Chongyun!"

Aether led her away, mouthing a 'good luck!' With a thumbs up to Chongyun.

"Thanks" he mouthed back.

"Maybe now I can have some peace and-"


Dumbfounded, the exorcist stared up at his family member.

"Auntie? How come you're in Liyue Harbor?" He asked, moving his head off of Xingqiu's, causing him to stir a little in his slumber.

"I was looking for Yelan and was told she was around here today. What are you doing?" She asked, clearly referring to Xingqiu sleeping upon his shoulder.

"O-oh. We were just hanging out and he fell asleep, so I'm making sure nothing wakes him up."

"Mmm. Have fun. And don't hesitate to let me know if he does anything." She stated before saying goodbye.

"Unhuh. Bye Auntie." He called back tiredly.

After that, it seemed just about everyone who knew him wanted to talk to him: Captain Beidou, Xinyan, even Xiao acknowledged him with a nod as he was passing by with a bard.

After an hour, he himself was tired, and he gave up on staying awake and seeming 'presentable' in from of the people he knew. He cuddled up against Xingqiu and positioned his parasol so it would shade him while he slept, and drifted off to sleep as well.

With the heavier weight upon his shoulder, Xingqiu started to wake up, stretching best could before seeing Chongyun passed out on his shoulder.


He went back to his page in his book, holding it in one hand while he kept his other arm around the exorcist.

"He's awake! Hi Xingqiu!" Paimon shouted as she and Aether headed over.

"Traveller, Paimon! Why hello!" He waved politely.

"Even though Xingqiu seems to be awake, it looks like Chongyun's passed out! Xingqiu, are you gonna watch him now?" Paimon asked.

"Watch him?"

"While you were asleep, Chongyun made sure no one woke you up! He's such a good friend." She smiled, putting her hands on her hips.

"Did he now?" He smiled, looking down at him.  Rather than fight it, he allowed the pink hue to rest on his cheeks. Leave it to Chongyun to guard Xingqiu just so he could get some extra rest.

"He's so sweet."

"What was that?" Paimon asked.

"Ah, nothing, nothing. He's just very thoughtful."

Aether shook his head while Xingqiu and Paimon conversed. Even with as obvious as it was that the other two liked each other, Paimon still managed to have it fly right over her head.

He debated on letting her know, but he figured she'd end up accidentally telling one of them by mistake.

"I'll just wait until they're finally together." Aether thought.

It shouldn't take them that long.


Thank you for reading! I recently got a big burst of inspiration and I have more time to write this week, so I'll probably be posting daily for a little while!

Written: Aug. 22, 2022

Finished/Published: Aug 23, 2022

(Word Count: 1,007)

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