57 - House

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"You guys, I'm boooooored." Xiangling complains, sitting up in the tiny rocks on the playground.

"I am too..." Chongyun mumbles, biting into a popsicle he'd brought.

Xinyan, Hu Tao, Chongyun, Xingqiu and Xiangling had all gotten together to play one afternoon in Liyue, but were finding that they were all bored of playing hide and seek and tag every time they played together.

"How about we play house?" Hu Tao suggests sitting up and smiling down at them all.

"What's house?" Xiangling asks her.

"It's where we all pick a member of a family, and pretend to be that person! We all live in the same place, and we pretend to take care of each other!" She explains.

"That sounds like fun! Can I be the sister?" Xinyan asks.

"Mmmhhm!" Hu Tao nods eagerly.

"Ooh! Ooh! I know what I want to be!" Xingqiu says excitedly. "I want to be the dad!"

"Okay then! I'll be the fun aunt!" Hu Tao smiles big.

"And I'll be a sister too! I wanna cook too though." Xiangling thinks.

"You can still cook if you want Xiangling!" Hu Tao tells her.

"Really? Alright!"

"That leaves...Chongyun! Who you do you want to be?" Hu Tao asks the quiet boy.

"H-huh?" He notices that everyone's staring at him, so instead he stares at his shoes. "I don't know...I don't really care who I am, I'm not good at picking for myself."

"How about you be the mom then Chongyun?" Xingqiu suggests with a smile.

"Why would I be the mom? I'm not even a girl!" Chongyun's defends himself.

"So then we can pretend we're married! And I don't know if there can be two dads..."

"Can there?" Xiangling asks the group. "Can two boys get married?"

"Hmmm...let's just say that they can in the game. Chongyun, you can be another dad if you want." Hu Tao tells him.


"C'mon everyone, let's go back to our house!" Xingqiu says, leading everyone to the play structure while holding Chongyun's hand.

"Why are we holding hands Xingqiu?" He asks him.

"Because married people do all the time! Or at least people that are in love do." Xingqiu explains.

For the rest of their time together, the five of them play house until it's time to leave, promising each other that they should play again next time.

"That was fun! Bye bye everyone!" Xiangling waves everyone goodbye while she and Guoba head out.

"Byyye!" Hu Tao shouts.

"See ya!" Xinyan calls.

"Bye everyone!" Xingqiu says loud enough for everyone to hear while Chongyun waves goodbye.

"That was fun, right Chongyun?" Xingqiu asks him afterwards.

"Mmhmm. I thought playing house was fun. A lot more fun than playing tag and getting too hot..." he mutters.

"I hope that guys can get married to each other in real life, too!" Xingqiu says.

"How come?"

"Because then I can marry you when we're older!"

"Y-you want to marry me when we get older?" Chongyun stutters, his face getting pink. "Don't you want to marry a girl or something?"

"Why would I want to marry a girl if I want to marry you?" He asks.

"I don't know, I guess cause most boys usually marry girls. At least that's what I think happens, anyways." Chongyun says.

"Well I guess I'm not most boys then!" Xingqiu declares before falling into a fit of giggles and leading Chongyun back to their houses.

"Mmm." Chongyun nods, blushing at his statement. "I guess you're not."


Here's a quick chapter for now since I wanted to get something out this week. I've been sick for a couple of days now and I'm hoping that I get over it quickly so I don't have to make up anymore schoolwork and so I don't feel so icky lol

I also recently got contacts and I've been figuring out how to put them in and take them out, and the headaches and achy-ness that comes with my sickness isn't helping.

Anywho, just wanted to let you know what's going on in case I don't post for a while again and apologize for any typos or anything like that this chapter

Written: March 1st, 2023

Finished/Published: March 5th, 2033

(Word Count: 708)

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