94 - Cute Stuff and Overwhelming Fluff

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Xingqiu wakes up to find that it's much later in the day now with evening settling in, the sky outside changing shades of blue while the clouds start to make room for the stars.

He looks down and smiles to see his boyfriend buried against his chest, his arms tightly wrapped around him and reminding him how much stronger he was getting with his training. Even so, Chongyun holds him securely but not so tightly it hurts, and Xingqiu rests his arms over his shoulder and giggles when Chongyun moves his head to peek over his flowy sleeves.

"Someone's a little clingier than they let on earlier." Xingqiu teases, running his hand over his cheek and letting his heart beat faster at feeling the warmth of his cheeks and the soft, pretty curls of his hair between his fingers.

"I was tired." Chongyun responds quietly, leaning into Xingqiu's palm. "And I missed you."

Xingqiu had been away for a few days with Guild matters and hadn't returned until earlier that morning, at which point all either of them wanted to do was take a nap and not worry about training or studying or responsibilities for a few hours, and they'd crashed on Xingqiu's bed as soon as he managed to sneak him in through the window.

The trips were getting more frequent as time went on, and it only made them appreciate the time they could spend together even more, cuddled up in each other's arms and being reminded of another heart that beats in tune with theirs.

"I missed you too." Xingqiu leans forward to kiss the bridge of his nose, quickly relaxing and staying put with his lips on his skin while Chongyun's face takes on a pinker hue.

"Can you do that again?" He asks, pulling at the back of Xingqiu's shirt and securely tucking the silky fabric between his fingers.

"Kiss you again? Or tell you that I miss you?" Xingqiu hums against his skin, tucking his hand further back into his hair and running his thumb lightly against his cheek.

"Both. But specifically kiss." Chongyun mumbles softly into his palm.

Xingqiu moves to put both hands on his cheeks and sweetly kiss him, basking in the perfect silence between them while he has Chongyun all to himself, and has the chance to feel his warm lips and his heart beating and his eyelashes brushing his skin with the soothing smell of silk flowers to settle themselves further into relaxation.

"I missed you so much," he sighs, softening his voice in a way only reserved for Chongyun and melting into another soft kiss while his boyfriend reaches up to the ruffles of his collar and just brushes his fingertips against his neck and nearly to his hair. "You and all your captivating everythings."

He backs off for a bit to allow Chongyun time to cool down, but to his surprise, he moves towards him like he doesn't want him to go.

"Again?" Chongyun asks, keeping one of his hands stationary on his waist and pressing his hand into his side, immediately shocking Xingqiu with warmth in the cooler room, and when he hums a little in surprise Chongyun's hold on him weakens and his voice quiets just to a whisper. "Sorry, am I asking too much?"

Xingqiu feels his heart get heavy at his saying that, and he wants nothing more than to rid of Chongyun's self doubt. Often he notices Chongyun doing it, most likely out of habit at this point, as most of the time he was worried about being a burden because of his condition, but it seemed like it went beyond those bounds at this point.

"Of course not. You can ask me of whatever you need." Xingqiu softly brushes his bangs out of his face and kissed him again. "It's never too much. You, are never too much."

He moves to look him in the eyes and hold him like he were holding the entirety of Teyvat in his hands, because to him he very well was. "Okay?"

Chongyun nods silently and relaxes against him again, his face fully flushed and his skin incredibly warm. "Okay."

"Do you need a moment to cool off?" Xingqiu laughs, and he sits up to open the window beside his bed, maneuvering himself while still in Chongyun's grasp before sitting upright beside him.

"Mmmm." Chongyun leans against his thigh and nods, breathing steadily so the harsh color drains from his face and his body gradually gets cooler.

"Feel better?" Xingqiu runs his hand through his hair so it peeks through his fingers and gets messier than before.

"Yes." He nods, before going to tug at his shirt again. "Can you...?"

Xingqiu laughs and moves so he's leaning over him before he moves to place delicate, blissful kisses all over his face, going over all of his features and tucking his hand into one of Chongyun's, intertwining their fingers and whispering loving words in between contact.

"As much as you'd like." He promises, and suddenly he can feel a smile on Chongyun's lips as he gratefully presses a kiss into Xingqiu's skin with a tiny stifled laugh.

"Are you laughing?" Xingqiu moves back to marvel at him in surprise. "Did I hear a laugh from you?"

Chongyun bites his cheek and shakes his head, but he's clearly not fooling him. "No."

"Are you sure?" Xingqiu asks him slyly, and before Chongyun can protest or say anything back, Xingqiu kisses along his neck and immediately draws laughter from his boyfriend, who covers his mouth to try and muffle the sound.

"I love hearing you laugh." Xingqiu mumbles into his neck, wearing a big smile as he sits up to pull Chongyun's hand from his mouth. "It's so...cute."

Chongyun continues to suppress a smile and a laugh, but it's more so just to see how much longer he can keep it up. "Y-you're lying."

"Am I?" Xingqiu taps his lips with a smirk and hovers close to his neck. "Or do I need to prove myself further?"

When he doesn't object, Xingqiu manages a couple of delicate, teasing kisses before laughter spills from Chongyun's mouth and his face resumes its pink color, quickly tugging at either side of Xingqiu's shirt and nodding. "I believe you, I believe you!"

Xingqiu smiles brightly and gives him a quick kiss on the cheek before moving to lay beside him and keeping a hand on his cheek. "Good."

"Xingqiu?" Chongyun calls from beside him, and Xingqiu can see the burning blush on his face as he traces it with his thumb.

"Yes love?"

Chongyun takes a deep breath to steady himself before giving Xingqiu a kiss, encompassing love and warm skin and soft smiles in the fading daylight as he rests against his lips and giggles from the warmth.

Xingqiu can't think of a time where he's seen him so happy aside from when he's in his Yang Energy state, and he's infinitely proud that he's able to bring such happiness to him as Chongyun has unknowingly been doing to him for years.

It's further more evident when Chongyun mumbles words into his lips and sits quietly before him, making the silence so wonderfully complete and his heart entirely full.

"I love you."


Howdy everyone and sorry for my absence, I had a bunch of trips plus work and school and then I got sick a few days ago and writer's block came back with a vengeance so I've only been coming up with drafts for weeks

Hopefully I'll be able to get back into the swing of things soon, and hopefully this oneshot will suffice for now,  :)

Written: November 13th, 2023

Finished/Published: November 14th, 2023

(Word Count: 1,290)

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