41 - Hydro Healing

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"Oh my," Xingqiu sighed, exhaling his breath as he touched a hand to his cheek while the other examined Chongyun's own. "How did this happen?"

"I overdid it with my training yesterday on accident." He stated as he watched Xingqiu's expressions contort to that of further worry.

"That simply won't do. Allow me to heal you for now."

Chongyun sat back a bit and complied, letting his boyfriend unwrap the bandages on his arm before slipping off his glove and holding the back of his hand.

His hand felt like it was hot to the touch, as rarely did he get to feel Xingqiu's touch without his gloves.

He face earned a pink hue and he turned away, covering the lower half of his face with his other hand.

"Ah, there we go."

Xingqiu took away the hand that was hovering just above Chongyun's, finding that the healing abilities of his hydro vision were successful.

He intertwined his fingers with Chongyun's and smiled at the nice feeling of his cold palm hugging his, especially on a warmer day like today.

"Now, let's see your other hand." He looked up, eyes widening just slightly when he saw that he was covering his face.

He tutted and pulled his hand away, revealing the field of bright pink resting on his cheeks. Smiling, he kissed one of his burning cheeks, before sitting back and gazing smittenly at him.

"Who gave you the right to be so cute?" He asked in one of those voices that was reserved only for teasing Chongyun.

"Cute? That word describes you better than me." He said back, struggling to salvage his pride.

"You think I'm cute, Chongyun?"

The exorcist felt like his heart was beating faster and faster, and his mind felt clouded. It was hard to come up with comebacks when the person he was going up against was Xingqiu.

"I-I didn't mean it like that. The word just suits you better."

"So you don't think I'm cute?" Xingqiu pouted, looking at him sadly. He leaned back and laid the back of his hand on his forehead, sighing dramatically. "Alas, though you are my beloved, you don't wish to call me endearing titles. What a shame."

"I didn't mean it like that..." Chongyun sighed in defeat while his boyfriend giggled.

"I know, just teasing~"

He proceeded to take the glove and gauntlets off his other arm and began to heal that one as well when he noticed his companion become oddly quiet.

Thinking he was a little upset about the earlier banter, Xingqiu tried to start conversation again.

"Maybe next time I shall come with you, to monitor your-"

He was hurriedly interrupted by Chongyun smashing his lips on his, leaning towards him.

Xingqiu sat still and blinked, his wide eyes staring at Chongyun's which were squeezed shut.

He was surprised at the kiss, since the two of them didn't kiss directly very often. It was something they did rarely, and as such it made it that much more special.

Normally, Xingqiu would take control of the situation, but the other boy had him firmly trapped between his arms and was leaning towards him, effectively keeping him from moving his whole body.

So instead, he rested a hand on the other boy's waist and the other on the back of his neck, his fingertips grazing his soft hair.

After Xingqiu moved, Chongyun situated them into an actual kiss, tilting their faces so they fit like pieces of a puzzle, two halves of a whole.

When he finally parted, he rested his forehead against his and waited for Xingqiu's inevitable teasing while he breathed heavily. "Sorry, my body temperature went up a lot and I didn't have a lot of control just now."

He waited longer for Xingqiu to make some sort of teasing remark.

But it never came.

Instead, something entirely different occurred.

Xingqiu was abnormally quiet, and rightfully so. He eyes grazed the ground below, as if there were something there he was intently focused on while he waited for his blushing to subside.

His hand had moved further up his neck, and now he was sifting his hair through his fingers.


He looked up at him like a deer caught in head lights before immediately assuming his nonchalant posture, though it still couldn't hide the blush on his face. "Yes, my liege?"

Chongyun glanced at him a moment longer before breaking out into a fit of soft laughter, something uncommon for him.

"What's so funny?" Xingqiu asked, genuine worry in his voice.

"You're proving that you're cuter than me."

Xingqiu pulled away from his touch for a bit, removing his hand from his neck and covering his face. "Stop that, it's embarrassing..."

At this, Chongyun couldn't help but laugh, and Xingqiu had to admit it was rather contagious.

Before long, they had both fallen into laughter, and didn't stop for a long while.

"I still think you're cuter." Xingqiu said in between the last bits of his laughter.

"It's not a competition." Chongyun reminded him.

"I know, but if it were, you'd win."

Chongyun sighed, knowing there was no winning this odd argument.



I love these two they're so cute

Written: October 18th, 2022

Finished/Published: October 19th, 2022

(Word Count: 880)

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