102 - Pretty Boy

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Chongyun sits behind Xingqiu with his arms wrapped around his stomach and his head on his shoulder, following along to the book that Xingqiu is reading out loud to them while he leans back into his touch.

Any time prior to them having gotten together, Chongyun would have been far too scared to ask to sit so close to him - after all, he wasn't even sure that Xingqiu liked him yet.

But after a while when Xingqiu confessed, they'd talked a bit, and Chongyun himself had said that he wants to be closer with him - and so Xingqiu allowed him to.

The way he explained it was that on account of his condition, he was often too worried to initiate even things like hugs with their friends because everyone assumed he couldn't handle it or wouldn't like it, but Xingqiu never thought twice before pulling him into a hug to say goodbye and tugging him by the hood to lay on his lap.

It was refreshing, he thinks, to have someone he can be closer with like this. Especially if that someone is Xingqiu.

On this afternoon, while they're reading in the shade, Chongyun's quite enjoying himself and basking in this turn of affection, and like most times when he's feeling grateful, he wants to say 'I love you' as a thank you.

And, like most times, he's not sure of the right way out of about saying it, because his boyfriend was the one with a way with words, not him.

So instead, while Xingqiu traces his hand over a few lines in the story, Chongyun moves up slightly from his shoulder and leans forward to brush a kiss against the space between his neck and his jaw before moving back just a bit.

He's surprised to see the dusting of pink that crosses Xingqiu's cheeks when he does so, and in his mind, he wonders if Xingqiu had liked it.

So he does it again.

He presses his lips a little more firmly into his skin this time, pulling Xingqiu more towards him before he moves back to his spot resting on Xingqiu's shoulder, where now he can see the bright red blush running from the tip of his nose to his ears.

He thinks he looks very pretty right now, with the blush and his hair tucked behind his ear and his delicate hands sifting through the pages, and he thinks maybe that's how he should tell him.

"You're so pretty Xingqiu." He mumbles into his shoulder, and finally the other boy looks back at him on his shoulder.

"You think so?" He teases, but the way he's asking and his expression shows that it's posed more like an actual question.

"Mmmyeah. You're always really pretty." Chongyun avoids his eyes now that he's the center of attention, tightening his arms around Xingqiu.

Xingqiu smiles and tucks his bookmark into the pages he was on before he maneuvers himself so he's facing him completely and Chongyun's arms are behind his back.

"And why do you think that?" Xingqiu asks him teasingly again, leaning in closer. He gives him a light smirk and lowers his voice just so, but at this point in their relationship, Chongyun can tell that it's just a coverup for his embarrassment.

"Because you just are." Chonyyun shrugs, going to fix parts of Xingqiu's hair absentmindedly and gently running his fingers through it before he takes his hand down to cup his cheek. "I can't really pick anything specific because it's everything about you."

"Yeah?" Xingqiu leans into his touch, and he can see by the way his eyebrows knit together that the teasing facade is starting to come down. "Then what were the kisses for? Trying to distract me?"

"No. They were just a thank you for letting me be close to you. I thought it worked better than me saying it and distracting you from reading." He runs his thumb back and forth over his cheek. His skin was really soft.

"You don't need to thank me, I'm just listening to your needs as my partner..." he blushes, and Chongyun can tell that it's getting harder for him to hide his complete embarrassment.

"But I want to. Because you mean a lot to me." He states bluntly, and Xingqiu laughs at his short admittance before setting his arms over his shoulders and tangling his fingers into Chongyun's hair, toying and playing with it so it starts to get noticeably messier.

"Then I guess it's fine." Xingqiu smiles, mere slits of honey orange left of his eyes before they're hidden beneath his eyelashes and he sits with his lips pursed and his legs wrapped around him.

He just keeps getting prettier, doesn't he?

Despite the pounding of his heart, Chongyun leans forward to kiss his temple and steadily kiss his way down to his cheek, noticing the change in temperature of Xingqiu's skin as it goes from warm to burning hot quickly.

"Your face is really red." He comments softly, going to run his hand over his cheeks and trace his face with cryo so the burning sensation isn't so harsh.

"Well you're sitting here and dragging kisses down my face, are you not?" He whispers back, still keeping his eyes closed while his lips curve into a tiny smile.

"I'm just not used to seeing it on you." Chongyun responds, pressing another sweet kiss to his nose before he looks back to marvel at the giant smile Xingqiu is repressing while his face is aflame with a blush.

"You're just really beautiful." He sighs, finding that with Xingqiu's eyes closed it's a little easier to say these things, and especially so with his body temperature increasing. "I know I keep saying that, but-"

The closer he sits, the more he can feel how hard Xingqiu's heart is beating. He puts his hand over his chest to feel it, and before he can think, he moves his hand and presses a kiss into the fabric of his shirt over his heart, soon after resting his head against his shoulder again and putting his arms back around him.

"I dunno. You're just so pretty." He giggles, trying to push off some of the growing warmth in his cheeks before he mumbles into his neck. "And I just really, really love you."

Xingqiu lowers his hands to tighten his hold around him, his eyes nearly brimming with tears at all of these confessions.

"Chongyun?" He asks, but there no answer.

He frowns, pulling them apart before he finds that Chongyun is fast asleep and his face is coated in crimson, and it seems like he blacked out after so much warmth.

"I think I should be the one to take good care of you now." He smiles, moving away so he can lay Chongyun's head in his lap and sift his hand through his bangs, planting a kiss on his forehead.

"And I love you too."


I have so much writer's block it's insane

All I want to do is write cute fluffy stuff and my writer's block is saying 'well actually it's going to be nearly impossible and you have no more ideas so yeah' and it's driving me crazyyyy ugh

Anyways happy new year everyone!

Written: January 2nd, 2024

Finished/Published: January 2nd, 2024

(Word Count: 1,222)

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