83 - Coffee Bitter, or Sweet?

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"I'd call that a successful practice session~!" Venti sang as he led his group into the nearest coffee shop.

"I agree. I believe our newest song will be even better than the last." Ayaka hums.

"You betcha! Now, how about we catch a quick break with some coffee, yeah? I think it's a bit to early for alcohol anyways..." Venti laughs to himself as he holds the door open for his band mates.

The four of them stand in line, clad in comfortable clothing for practice, waiting their time in line.

While they're waiting, Chongyun's rehearsed exactly what he's going to say when he gets up there.

"I'd like an iced- dang it! I messed up... 'I'd like an iced coffee, please.' There we go."

Despite getting up in front of a large audience several times before, Chongyun still hated the little interactions he had to make, like ordering at any type of restaurant, and always overthought about what he wanted ahead of time before he ordered.

"Hey pal, it's your turn!" Xinyan pats him on the back, pushing him to the front.

"Oh." He gasped before lifting his eye from the floor to face the barista. "This is it. Don't mess this up."

"Hi, I'd like a-"

He's instantly stopped in his tracks when he sees the boy taking his order, forgetting everything he'd just thought.

The boy looked to be around his height and age, and had his navy hair tied back into a small ponytail with a strand of it down to frame his face.

Normally, he was always taken aback by whoever was taken his order simply because immediate eye contact made him nervous, but now that he was faced with someone he found attractive- "great."

"I don't think we have than on the menu." The boy laughs. "Do you want me to help you find something you'd like?"

Chongyun knew exactly what he wanted, but he couldn't stop himself from saying "yes."

"Alright then. Do you want coffee or tea?"


"Hot or cold?"


"Bitter or sweet?"

"Not too much of either."

"Okay, aaaand...what size?"


The boy finished scribbling down his preferences on a notepad and rips the sheet off, setting it aside on the counter. "I'll have those out soon for you, then you guys can pay over there."

When the boy goes to make their drinks, all of his band mates give him a big smile.

"What are all the looks for?" Chongyun asks them, glancing at them all in turn.

"Oh nothing, it just seems like you've got a little crush on the barista~" Venti says quietly enough so only they can hear.

"Huh? That's not-!" He stops, realizing he can't exactly deny it.

"I knew it as well! If you ask me, I think you should talk to him some more. Maybe you could get his number." Ayaka contributes.

"Yeah! We've got your back, man!" Xinyan smiles.

"As a matter of fact, how about you go wait by the window that they give us our drinks at. The rest of us will go sit down and give you some space, and we'll come over if you need us." Venti squeezes his shoulder before leaving with the other two.

Chongyun stands still, not exactly wanting to give up an opportunity like this but not wanting to possibly act weird again.

Begrudgingly, he heads over to the the other side of the shop and stands by the window, and he can see the boy on the other side looking at him.

"I'll admit, I was a little curious when you came in. I've never seen you around before, but you dress like someone from Liyue." The boy starts while he makes one of the drinks.

"Oh. I'm originally from here, but..."

Venti makes hand motions at him to go on, and Xinyan and Ayaka give him thumbs up.

"I'm not usually here because I travel. A lot."

"How come you travel so much?"

"I'm part of a band, and we go to different places to play." Chongyun's explains.

"You're in a band?" The boy looks at him like it's the coolest thing he's ever heard. "What do you play?"

"I play the drums, and sometimes I sing." He says while he figits with his belt loop.

"That's really neat! I'd love to hear you guys play! Where else have you been?"

"Mostly Mondstadt, Liyue, and Inazuma since that's where my band mates are from, but we're trying to go to other places, too. Sumeru city has a ban in public performances, but we've had a lady named Nilou reach out to us, and she wants to meet us soon."

"That's sounds like fun! Getting to travel and do what you love. I hope I get to do that some day." He comments while he roots through the lower cabinets. "Drat."

"What's wrong?" Chongyun peeks over the counter.

"There aren't anymore coffee sleeves for the hot drinks. I'm gonna pop in the back and grab some more, okay?"


When the boy gets back a few minutes later, he puts the cups in the cup holder while they talk more and slides it over to Chongyun, and he pays for the drinks.

"Have a good day! It was fun chatting with you!"

"You too."

Chongyun brings the drinks over to his band mates, and they all leave the cafe, drinks in hand.

"Sooooo? How'd it go?" Venti asks him while he drinks his hot apple cider.

"Good." Chongyun nods and takes another sip. Whatever the boy had made him, it tasted really good.

He shifts the cup in his hands a few times to read what was on it, hoping to find the drink name, and almost it drops it when he reads it.

Iced caramel coffee.

"You're cute! I had a good time talking with you. Wanna hang out sometime?"



"Why'd you stop walking?" Ayaka asks, wiping whipped cream off her mouth gracefully with her thumb.

"He gave me his number on the cup." He tells them, his face getting brighter.

Venti gives him and big hug, soon followed by the others as well.

"I'm so proud of you! Now you won't be single anymore!" Venti cheered.

The three celebrate and pat the fourth on the back in congratulations, all the while a certain barista watches from his post in the cafe.

Even while they get farther away, his heart beats even faster and he can't do anything to erase how red his face is.

"Good job Xingqiu! I knew you could do it!" Hu Tao gives him a side hug.

"Thank you, my liege, for your aid. I couldn't have done it without you." He sighs in relief.


First day back to school was today and I already cried because I was too overwhelmed and I don't know what I'm doing 💞 (I'm at a new school)

Also this isn't proof read yet so sorry if there are a bunch of mistakes

Written: ???

Finished/Published: August 22nd, 2023

(Word Count: 1,175)

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