113 - Sweet Kisses and Terribly Nice Exorcists

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Omg sorry for my absence it's been an absolutely crazy month for me but I have been writing this entire time so don't worry It's just a lot of stuff I need to proof read aside from a couple requests I still wanna do

Xingqiu doesn't understand it. For someone who always tries his best to get a good grip of his emotions and how he feels, especially so for his dear best friend who seems to have trouble with them, he can't seem to understand this.

Every time he looks over at Chongyun, for whatever odd reason, he just really want to kiss him.

At first, he tried to justify it by thinking, 'Well, who wouldn't? He's very hardworking, and he's a pleasure to be around - I'm sure there are many girls in Liyue Harbor alone that must also share my sentiments.'

And when he'd said that to Gaming, he'd gotten what could only be described as a 'yeah, keep telling yourself that Xingqiu' look that he did not care for in the slightest.

"You're telling me you don't feel the same?" Xingqiu asks him then, his voice reaching a slightly higher pitch while he tips his head, pink dusting his cheek as he starts to feel like maybe he's the odd one out here.

"I mean, yeah, Chongyun's plenty attractive-" Gaming waves his hand and goes to pop the last half of his teacake into his mouth before Man Chai swallows it up, and he easily starts to tussle and chastise him for eating his snacks. "-I can see why you like him. He gets real flustered easily, and you like to flirt, and he's pretty and he works out a lot- Man Chai! We have more tea cakes at home, stop!"

Xingqiu sinks in his seat a little bit while he starts to feel the prickly hot sensation of, ah, yes - embarrassment, wash over him. "I-I don't flirt with him."

Gaming stops wrestling Man Chai for a hot second to give Xingqiu a look that tells him he's not buying it, and even Man Chai himself stops to glance over at Xingqiu before he continues to wriggle around in Gaming's arms. "I don't know man, it seems like you've got a thing for him."

Xingqiu huffs under his breath and looks away, crossing his legs and taking a sip of tea while he pretends to look off and study the surroundings of Chenyu Vale. He liked to come when he had enough time to sneak away, and most times he'd run into Gaming for one reason or another and they'd talk about new shipments (particularly those pertaining to Wanwen Bookhouse) over tea and snacks.

"I don't really know how I feel about him." He mumbles, tapping his pinky against the side of the ceramic glass. "We've been friends since we were children, and I always knew he was different from my other acquaintances, but..."

Xingqiu sighs and looks down at the table. He's never really thought about having a full blown crush on Chongyun before - it just never crossed his mind since they were already friends. And honestly, even thinking about it now, he's still not sure. Romance novels always depicted these sorts of things as being complicated, sure, but never has he read one where the characters involved just flat out don't know if they have a crush on each other.

"Why don't you just bring it up with him?" Gaming suggests, and Xingqiu's eyes damn near fall out of his head.

"Bring it up to him?!" He sputters, his face growing hotter. He's not very proud of how much he's losing his composure, but Gaming has a good way of making people feel more comfortable being themselves around him, Xingqiu included, so he doesn't feel too embarrassed Gaming is seeing him like this. "Chongyun would faint at the mention of wanting to kiss him, let alone having a crush on him!"

"Just...bring it up in your Xingqiu way." Gaming shrugs, and Xingqiu's eye twitches at this suggestion.

"My what way?"

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