21 - Stealing Stories

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Fluff, fluff, tooth-rotting fluff

Amber eyes that grazed upon words in a book, flicking from one paragraph to another and widening slightly in intrigue when something caught their attention.

Chongyun sat next to the other boy and admired him while he read, enjoying their silent moment together before he quickly grew bored.

"Xingqiu?" He said quietly.

The other boy didn't budge in expression, his eyes too immersed in the story he was reading to pay him any attention.

"Xingqiu?" He rose his voice slightly.

Again, no reaction.

Chongyun took the book out of his grasp and held it over his head, watching as Xingqiu shook himself out of shock and gazed up at his book in Chongyun's hand.

"Why'd you take it?" He asked absentmindedly, reaching up for it like a child for something they're too short to grasp.

"Attention. I want it, I mean." Chongyun told him while he simultaneously held the book higher.

"I'll give you plenty of attention in a bit, I just want to finish my book first." Xingqiu told him when Chongyun hopped off the little ledge they were sitting on.

He shook his head no and took a step back before he heard the other boy sigh and watched his lips turn up into a playful grin.

"I guess I'll just have to chase you for it then."

The cryo user barely had any time to react when his friend jumped off as well and took off in his direction, determined to retrieve his novel.

With a stifled yell of surprise, Chongyun ran in the opposite direction away from Xingqiu, keeping his thumb securely on the page Xingqiu was on.

The two weren't at it for long before Xingqiu caught up and took hold of the other's hood.


Chongyun turned his head to meet his eyes, lightly laughing from the adrenaline. Xingqiu tore his gaze from his book for a second to look back at him and laugh wildly as well until-


Stumbling over himself, Chongyun crashed to the ground still holding Xingqiu's book, with the latter falling on top of him.


Peeking an eye open, the hydro boy gasped at how close they were, how his hands were on his friend's chest and their faces were dangerously close.

"I-I'm sorry, my liege, we should have been watching where-"

Cupping Xingqiu's face in his hands, Chongyun cut him off and scrutinized his bright red face.

"Xingqiu, did you know you have a little mark on your lip?" He asked him softly, nervousness wracking his stomach in the form of little butterflies tickling his insides.

"Oh, do I? Where?" Xingqiu inquired genuinely.


He pulled Xingqiu down to his level and kissed him, the book laying forgotten to his side.

Though surprised at first, Xingqiu returned his feelings and kissed him back, enjoying the feeling of his lips on his.

Xingqiu smiled against his lips, the sensation new and exciting to him. He had to keep reminding himself that this was really happening, that his crush was actually kissing him.

When they finally ran out of breath, they both pulled away and look at each other, both of their faces vibrant in colour.

"Do I have any others on my face?" Xingqiu implored him, needing more affection.

"Well...just a few. Like right here-"

Chongyun brought their faces together again and peppered him with kisses all over his face until Xingqiu was laughing from all the romantic attention.

"And here, and here-"

"Hahaha, stop, stop!"

Pushing himself off, Xingqiu sat down in the grass next to him, grabbing his book with one hand and Chongyun's hand with the other.

"I take this to mean we're a little more than friends now?" Xingqiu smiled at him, his face flushed pink.

"A little? I think it's safe to say we need a different title..."

"Hmm... how does 'boyfriends' sound to you?" Xingqiu asked.

"I like that. A lot."

Chongyun sat up and leaned against Xingqiu's shoulder.

"We're going to have a lot to explain to Xiangling later, aren't we?" He sighed.

"I suppose so... but we'll deal with that later. For now though..."

Xingqiu smirked lazily at him. "I think you have a few marks as well."


Written: May 27, 2022

Finished/Published: May 29, 2022

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