80 - Under the Moon

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"Geez, my heart is pounding..."

Chongyun collapses in the grass and hangs his head, breathing heavily and tugging at his hoodie.

He had just been traveling on his way home under nightfall when he was ambushed by a number of hilichurls, and the fight had left him with a warmer body temperature and a foggier mind.

He quickly unbuttons his hoodie and lets it slip to drape across his shoulders, sighing in relief after doing so.

"This night is not turning out I had wanted it to..." he groans, moving himself to lay in the grass and stare at the sky.

A million glittery stars were shining up ahead, and even if it was childish, he picked the first one he saw and made a wish on it.

"I wish..." he starts, thinking hard while he squints up at the sky," I wish that tonight gets better...and tomorrow too..."

After his wish, he draws his eyes over to the moon, but he finds that it's hidden behind the peak of the hill he's on.

With a pout, he sits up to look at it, but finds that someone is blocking his view.

Someone, at the top of the hill, swings their sword out to their side before jumping and spinning to sweep their sword lower.

They gracefully move and turn their wrist out to cut the air with their blade, almost as if putting on a performance with their swordsmanship.

The stranger steps up on their tiptoes and raises both of their arms up to arch over their head before bringing them down and creating several rain swords to surround them.

"Woah." Chongyun breathes while he continues to watch their elegant scene.

He doesn't feel tired anymore, or at least he doesn't notice it. The achy-ness takes a backseat in his mind as he stumbles to his feet and climbs up the hill, his eyes never leaving the angelic stranger.

As they continue their act, the swords seem to dance with them, shooting through the moonlight to shimmer and gleam in the night, sending water droplets to scatter atop the grass and create early dew.

Chongyun continues onward and can swear he can hear the stranger as they move about and take delicate breathes, never breaking the rhythm of this carefully curated performance.

He hadn't even realize he had reached the top, standing a few feet away from them on the lower side while their back was turned when they push their arms out behind their back and launch themselves into the air, backflipping while their blade carries a wave of water against it.

While they're still in the air, he locks eyes with the other person, shiny amber ones. They widen in surprise when they see him, and once they stranger finally lands he looks over his shoulder at him, curiously studying him to see if he has malicious intent.

They tilt their head so a little blue bead at the head of their earring shines in the light, judging him skeptically and gripping their blade defensively.

"Who are you?" They ask seriously.

He opens his mouth to speak and reply, but he becomes all too aware of the red seeping into his cheeks and his mind starts to get foggy again.

"I-I'm Chongyun! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you, I just came here to rest and I saw you practicing with your sword." He says quickly while blushing more. "You're really good by the way..."

The serious and skeptical demeanor drifts away from their face and is replaced by surprise, while their cheeks dust pink. "O-oh. Why thank you, Chongyun, for your compliment and your apology. I'll take them to heart."

"They sure talk really fancy..." chongyun swallows, watching the water swords disappear. "I hope they don't think I'm weird or anything..."

"While we're on the subject of formalities, I am Xingqiu, second son of the Feiyun Commerce Guild and disciple of the Guhua Clan." He extends his hand and gives him a charming smile. "But if you're ever around my family, don't mention that second title."

Chongyun stares at him and the hand he extends, frozen in place with this pretty person in front of him.

"Are you okay?" Xingqiu asks, drawing his hand back a little. "You don't look so hot."

"I-I'm fine! Just kinda tired, I guess..." he chuckled nervously, taking his hand and shaking it.

Xingqiu laughs a little and bows to kiss the back of Chongyun's hand, immediately making his face go flaming red. "You'd better go home to get some rest then, okay? And if you ever want to hang out again, just come meet me here at the same time."

He lets go of his hand and Chongyun notices the little hydro bubbles around him, healing him and relieving him of the hot feeling while leaving the heavy blush.

"I would love to see you again. Bye for now!" He waves, heading off down the hill in the other direction.

Chongyun watches him go before he searches the sky for the star he'd wished on, his cheeks still bright red.

"I'm definitely coming back tomorrow."


Written: August 5th, 2023

Finished/Published: August 7th, 2023

(Word Count: 873)

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