32 - Sweatshirts

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Chongyun hunted about his room in search of any of his sweatshirts, only to come up empty.

"What did I do with them?" He wondered aloud, hand on his hip.

With a sigh, he let it go and decided to just go see Xingqiu without it, heading off to Xingqiu's house with his black undershirt instead.

At the door, Xingqiu's brother greeted him. "Hello Chongyun, Xing should be down in just a sec." He told him nicely before turning his head to face the stairs. "XING YOUR BOYFRIEND IS HERE."


"He'll be down shortly." He smiled, leaving Chongyun to wait on the doorstep.

"Chongyun! Are you ready to go toda-" Getting down the stairs and stopping with his mouth open, he noticed the absence of his sweatshirt, his face turning pink. "Trying something new today? I like it~" he teased.

Chongyun on the other hand, noticed the familiar blue and white sweatshirt Xingqiu had on. "I couldn't find any of my sweatshirts. Do you... happen to have them all?" He asked bewildered.


He ran upstairs to go check his room, with Chongyun soon following.

Lo and behold, in a corner of his room, stood all of Chongyun's sweatshirts neatly stacked and recently washed.

"I've been meaning to give them back, I swear..." Xingqiu mumbled, starting to take off the one he had on before the other stopped him.

"You don't have to take it off. Actually, you can keep it if you'd like, since I've got so many." Chongyun told him, going to grab one to put on himself.

"Really? Then we can match today!" He clapped. "I'll have to find something of mine that you can wear so we can match that way too!"

"That sounds nice." Chongyun nodded.

"Great!" Xingqiu smiled, grabbing his arm. "Let's go!"


I start school soon and I am so not excited 😫

Written: June ?, 2022

Finished/Published: Aug. 26, 2022

(Word Count: 323)

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