114 - Heartbeat

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The first above averagely warm day in Liyue is hardly above 15°C, and Chongyun's Yang energy is already giving him grief about it.

To Xingqiu, this weather feels much like a nice time to sit outdoors with a good book on the porch, set up with a hefty novel (a series, preferably, to read all afternoon!), a warm cup of tea, and likely even Chongyun's company for some added fun.

To Chongyun, however, this is clearly starting what is usually his descent into what he calls, 'heat-stricken madness', and what Xingqiu calls 'clingy Chongyun mode'.

When it gets warm outside, Chongyun lets down a lot more walls, becomes a little less reserved, and uses far fewer formalities. The nicknames they'd developed in their childhood come out a lot more often nowadays as well as what Xingqiu has come to coin as 'Chongyun's increasing clinginess,' that which he does well (or so he tries) to hide during the colder months even though Xingqiu can see it's still there.

Holding hands a little longer, leaning on his shoulder while Xingqiu recites poetry or reads from a novel, even just letting Xingqiu initiate closeness whenever he likes - Xingqiu doesn't really know all that much why Chongyun enjoys being closer, but he can't say he minds.

He thought that maybe it's just a byproduct of getting warmer - but even during those colder months, Chongyun often forgets his diligence in trying to remain within his own circle so as to 'make up for his improper actions' in the summer and sits close to Xingqiu of his own choice when Xingqiu offers, though it's always with the usual protest so Xingqiu doesn't know he actually appreciates it (though of course, he always does).

Xingqiu never rejects his clinginess - it's actually rather fun seeing him be a little more expressive and direct about his wants for physical touch, and this random day in May is no such exception.

Xingqiu flips through a novel at lightning speed, reading over the pages in intrigue as the climax continues to climb higher and higher with every breath he takes.

To anyone asking, he'd say this particular romance novel was for research purposes on 'understanding the inner thoughts of one in love for future writings', or even just as an experimental read to see what romance is all about, but it's no secret to himself:

Romance novels are nothing short of a secret genre he likes to partake in, and he'll take that secret to the grave, thank you very much!

Maybe it's because he himself is a hopeless romantic (which he vehemently denies even with Gaming poking and prodding him about being positively head over heels for Chongyun to the point he may as well be on the floor), or maybe it's because he likes how some authors delve into the character's feelings and explain such a thing despite it being an emotion that feels almost indescribable in nature, and he finds that strangely beautiful.

...or maybe he just loves watching two character fall in love again and again and getting to the big moment where they finally confess and kiss, and it's even better when they fight for the greater good and there's themes of Justice, and he can't deny seeing a good romance with his own ideals playing out is a nice change of pace sometimes from reading constantly formal pieces like history books and the like.

Sometimes reading cheesy, silly romance novels is fun, and that's the end of that!

He scans over the paragraphs in intrigue, off in his own personal world where the story is playing out like a film on Kamera in his head (which unbeknownst to him, his friends dub as 'Xingqiu going off into la la land again...') and already feels a smile creeping up onto his lips while the character's humorous banter goes back and forth, and he knows that from the way they're talking, the confession is about to happen!

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