12 - Late Calls

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The familiar sound of Chongyun's phone vibrating on his nightstand woke the boy up from his slumber, and he lazily reached his hand over to grab his phone in the dark.

He squinted first at the time, then at the caller.

Had been anyone else, Chongyun probably wouldn't have picked up, especially at this hour.

"Hello Xingqiu, what's up." He asked monotonously.

He got no reply other than muffled cries on the other end.

"Xingqiu? Hey, what's wrong?" Chongyun asked in a calming voice.

"I-I *sniff* I stayed up to f-finish my novel a-and *sniff* the ending was so saaaad!" Xingqiu wailed over the phone.

While Chongyun absolutely hated to hear his boyfriend cry for any reason at all, he also hated being woken up for stupid reasons.

"Is that why you felt the need to call me at 4:00 a.m?" Chongyun asked in mild annoyance.

"Y-yes. *sniff*"

"*sigh* Alright, tell me about it."

"Are you s-sure?" Xingqiu asked before hiccuping.

"Mmhm. You should get it out of your system so you can go to bed."


He proceeded to sob and tell Chongyun the story over the phone for the next hour and a half, causing Chongyun to start lightly crying by the end of it, his pillow now having small tear stains.

"Do you feel any better?" He asked, wiping his eyes.

"A little. Thank you, Yun-Yun."

"No problem. Good night Xingqiu."

"Goodnight Yun."


Early at school the next day, Chongyun sleep-walked to his locker and pulled it open, only for dozens of cards and his favorite candies to fall out.

"I decided that I needed to repay you for last night." Xingqiu said, approaching the other and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"You didn't have to-*yawn*- do that." Chongyun said, leaning on his shoulder.

"How did you get all this prepared on such short notice, anyways?"

"I made a quick stop this morning and wrote the notes in the car. Sorry if they're even harder to read." Xingqiu laughed, embarrassed of his penmanship.

"S'alright, I can read your normal handwriting (somehow). Or you could just read them to me ."

"Gladly. Lunchtime outside?"

"Sounds good."


(Later at lunch, Chongyun actually, in fact, did not make it through the notes because he fell asleep while Xingqiu was reading them him.)

Started: April 21-22, 2022

Finished/Published: April 23, 2022

(Word Count: 415)

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