The Truth

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The picture is taken from a dialogue that belongs Typemoon and is from the game fate grand order the lostbelt it happened is s.i.n. The Ruby crew will be taken from v1. Rwby belongs to Roosterteeth. And yes i am still working on the titel i am open for suggestions

"What happenend?" asks a Person. This person is Ruby Rose. Mere moments ago she was just looking in Vale for the newest "Weapons daily". Our resident caped huntress in training is at the moment completly baffeled as she is looking up at creature so splendid that it burns her eyes with the mere look at his divine face." "What in the name of the brothers are you talking?" asks she. Wait The speakers are on. Shit shit shit. "Well the stage is already set so why not show ourself." And before  her stood what she assumed a normal  athletic wolf faunus. He had black hair, blue eyes, a black shirt blue jeans and boots. In his hair you can see black wolf ears. "Who are you she asks and where is everyone?" Ruby asks nervously. She looked around but all she saw was a little theater with red comfortable chairs, a bar and some tables. The walls were made out of polished wood and on wall is hidden behind a red curtain. "Well to answer your questions i am Knight. And two they are dead." the host answered with a toothy smile. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY ARE DEAD!!!!!!" she screamed while jumping at him with tears in her eyes. "HahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. You ha you should have seen your face. Don't worry they are alive" he laughted "Why are you laughting? this is not funny!" the angry rose said while wiping her tears away. "Ah sorry sorry. I love little jokes like that. Anyway here is you answer" Knight said happy while she went down from him. He then pulled out a sign out of thin air which said to look up. As she did it she could see her sister Yang, Weiss, Blake, Ozpin, Glynda Goodwitch and her uncle Qrow ducktaped to the ceiling which are now slowly waking up. "How did you get them up there?" she asked not realizing that knight has stepped a few steps back. Then when all woke up they all fell in one swoop on Ruby. "Ow." came muffeled out of the pile.

As everyone stood up and apologized to Ruby they asked in a big squable why they are her and what happened while Ruby and Yang are greeting their Uncle. "Can anyone please calm down. i don't want to explain it more then one time. You with the cat ears can ask first." Knight shouted. They turned their face to their host "Who are you? And why are we here?" asked the Blake suspicious. "Well i am Knight and to the question of why we are here it is deeply philosophical. Do you want the long version or the short one." answered Knight. "No why are we here. In this room you imbecile." asks Weiss. "Well i am a god. The God of Flames, destruction and most importantly swords. These are most commonly found in war and revolutions. I have seen the state your world is in and decided to give a hand by showing you parallel universes with you and more people. And maybe give you the blue prints of their weapons. But not a copy of theirs. Gil would chew me out for this. Anyway i was at some point even on remnant once. Ozzy can even give me back up on this." answered Knight with a smile. They then turned all to Ozpin, to see him cowering behind one of the seats in fetal position while mumbling something about tentacles. "What have you done to him actually?" said Qrow concerned while reaching for Harbringer. "Well i have beaten him black and blue when we battled without great effort. And then dragged him back to his exwife once. There she put him under a certain kind of torture while we drank a coffee together. She is actually quite nice." As soon as those words left Knights mouth Qrow immedeatly swung Harbinger at him while Glynda tried to restrain him. The students just looked shocked at what they are doing to scared to say anything. What shocked them even more was how easy he defended himself. He broke out of the telekinesis and with a bored look on his face he steped to the side and judo throw him away while at the same time he took Harbringer out of Qrows hands and threw it then at Glynda who was then pinned to the wall. "Kids RUN" He screamed while trying to  throw a punch at Knight. His tone left no room for discussion. As the students then moved to escape was Qrow then flung at Glynda and they dented the wall in right before they could make it too the door. "Well that was boring." said Knight while he came closer to the group which are fearfully drawing their weapons.

"Do not worry i do not want to hurt you i just want you to see something, tell you some truth and thats it. Nothing more nothing less. Here as a sign of good will i have two gifts for you." Knight answered. he then snapped with his fingers and they all felt like they could lift a mountain suddenly. "What have you done to us?" asked Weiss fearfully while cowering behind Yang. "Well i gave you the ability to do magic and so on. So your welcome. While you still have to learn how to use it. it is a step into the right direction. So now that this out of the way time for the hard truth. Ozpin is in reality a reincarnating wizard who has a fight with his ex wife who wants to commit genocide and suicide at the same time. She is completly immortal and Ozpin has no plan how to stop her which is one of the reasons why he lied to his secret coucil of brainwashed idiots which team STRQ was a part of and Qrow still is. To make matters worse Summer Rose, a mother of two wonderfull children, saw because of that as a her burden to take down Salem in her own secret mission which not even Ozpin knew with the help of her best buddy and potential lover Raven. That is because she was a silver eyed warrior which could vanquish Grimm with just a look at them. Ruby is one too and Ozpin had probably planned to groom her in to his attack dog because of this which woulkd have drasticly shorten her life span. But anyway because Summer did not knew that Salem, Ozpins exwife, was immortal she died and the rest is history. Because Raven was scared of big old Salami she also left Yang. The reason why they are fighting at all is because Ozzy here wanted to fullfill the mission of the gods to make humanity worthy of the gods while salem did not want it. So in the dead of the night he took in a moment of being completly brain dead he wanted to take their children from their mother which then died in the crossfire of their fight. Because of that he made her seem like the big bad. Have i forgotten something. if yes it was surely not important." Knight said while simultainiously showing the evidence with his flames that formed a monitor.

Completly stunned they looked to Ozpin who was shocked his secret was found out with a face formed to a look of horror. All of them were to stunned to say something Because the evidence was their. You could hear Qrow world shatter as he sank deeper and deeper into depression because of the realisation that his whole life was built on the lie that Ozpin cared about Qrow. Goodwitch regreted to have ever trusted him. Yang was breaking down on the fact that she lost her mother and would have potentialy lost her sister, the last light in her life, because of their head master. Blake simply felt dead inside. Weiss almost broke down i tear because she could have lost her "lover" because of him. Then Ruby stumbeled with a broken smile and tears in her eyes to Ozpin. "Professor Ozpin this was all just a big lie. Right. You did not cause my mom to die. You did not cause so much pain and suffering just because of a broken up marriage and gods who don't care. This surely just a joke. Right." she asked in the most heart broken way possible while she slowly broke down in tears. But one look at his face told her everything she needed which caused her then to fully breakdown and scream her anguish into this little dull theater. This caused everyone to come to her to hug her and cry with her because of what they could have lost and what they had lost. "Yeah i am gonna first send you away so that they can gather their feelings." knight whispered to Ozpin and then Ozpin was gone. "Thank you. Knight. For telling me the truth." Ruby said while her. Team still dog piles her for comfort. the adults already stood up. "Any time little one. But now comes my second gift. The gift is made out of two parts. One there pancakes and cookies in the bar. Two i may may not have pulled a few strings just for you little rose." Knight said while booping her nose. And with a snap of his fingers a blue flamming portal opened and out ran someone who looked like an adult Ruby with an white cloak. As Yang and Ruby saw her they then ran immeadetly to the figure while screaming "MOM" at the top of their lungs. When they hugged Summer apoligized that she wanted to fight Salem alone and Ruby and Yang that she felt like they had to. Then Ruby looked at Knight with a big happy smile with tears in her eyes and said: "Thank you for helping my family. Thank you for returning mom. Thank you for everything." "Your welcome little rose. Your welcome." answered Knight. "Why did you do it? Not that i am ungrateful but why?"asked Yang while cuddling her mother.(I refuse to let that biological space of waste called Raven even near the word mother). "I just love humans so ready to watch?" answered Knight and while they weren't fine with the answer they all went to the seats.

Now why have i done this lenghty of an intro you are maybe asking your self if no then skip this. if yes then go on. I have done this lenghty of an intro because i always found them somewhat lacking by everyone i have read so i mad my own. Sure it may be to emotional but sue me i like it that way. And maybe breath a bit of life in this genre like many other authors who did this for longer then me. So any suggestions you have there in that little brain of yours dear reader.

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