Pseudosingularity: Multilayered Fantasy Fantasma Layer 2+3

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Here is the second chapter to rubys singularity adventures. I am sorry if it is somewhat boring. This is like a neccessarry chapter for the story development. Boring but neccessary. Also who knew waffle irons could explode and cause short circuits in your house. So i am sorry for not updating. I try to also update the other stories as well. Also. 

Eat that! Two chapter in one! 

By the way i am half done with the final chapter of the yokai story and the Epiloque is also writen. The percy jackson story is also about to receive it's next chapter as well as "Ruby's shadowy friend" and the backstory of Knight. I am also writing a story with Nox the watchmaker in the Rwby universe where i am about to finish the first chapter and the first chapter of the Otakemaru story is almost done.  I have also been writing on the next chapter of the raikou story

And yes. When you read this i will put the finishing touches on my spin on the corruption story so it will come out soon.

So here we are on the boring part. I don't Rwby. I don't own fate grand order, i don't own Percy jackson or owl house. 

And i make no money of it(even if i kinda wish i do. But hey single life is cheaper then with a girl friend atleast. Hip hip hurray to the eternal single buissness. hip hip. Hurray!... That sounds just sad right now) 

So back to the reaction before i cry myself to my next set of weight lifting.

"Ha! Ok. I got the yes on the second and third layers! Are you ready!" shouted Knight with everyone taking their seat. "Where are the demigods and the witches?" asked Ozpin. "Oh they have something to do so they will be comming when we are at the third layer." said Knight. "I still get the shivers when i think of that frozen ocean." said Ruby. "Frozen ocean?" asked Winter.

"It was a mixture of icy mountains and cold water that is only not frozen because of the salt mixed into it and it is constantly moving. And you all clamoring onto me wasn't exactly comfortable." said Knight. "You are a fire god. Your body temperature is like, 42 celsius at it's coldest and 50 at average while going higher depending on how you are feeling. How could we not use you as a heater when the warmest day there was around -40 degrees celsius!? And all that on the ocean! Clamoring onto you was the best option." said Ruby.

"Well that is a new one. Misusing a god as a living heater unit." said Yang. "Sounds like you went through the water passage between atlas and mistral at that point. The waters are known to be treacherous with all the icebergs appearing out of nowhere all the times which is the reason why it is safer to fly over the ocean then to take a boat." said Winter.

"Yeah that sounds terrible." said Salem who just came in with more bags under her eyes then the average student on the day before the exams. She was on her 234 cup of coffee.

"Ehm aunt salem. You kinda look tired." said Ruby. "Oh that is because i am. Do you know how i make my cash here?" asked Salem. "By selling books." said Blake. "Right. So i am in deadline hell. I have to write 16 continuations and draw 8 manga. Most of all i have to compete with "Enchromia's Silent Tears" now." said Salem before slurping up the rest of her coffee.

("Encromia's Silent tears" is the manga from Scahatch/Skadi which was mentioned in the Arctic summer fest event. The plot about it was also mentioned. It was apparently a story about how the human giant race make peace with each other after hundreds of years of war by marrying two giants to two humans)

"Well. Now you can steal some ideas from Rubys adventures." said Knight. "Yay." said Salem tired.

"But before that. Yang. What are you wearing?" asked Blake confused at Yang's get up. "Oh that. Ruby manged to make me try that and honestly it kinda fits." said Yang in her Quetzalcoatl costume.

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