1: Vault of Glass

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My name is Y/N, a guardian, and sworn protector of the Traveler, and... this was my story. Guardians are people who protect the Last City, the last piece of civilization on Earth that is untouched by forbidden forces like the darkness. We use our light from the Traveler for what we thought was good, purging aliens that come along to steal or destroy our Traveler, a big globe in the sky that grants us the powers to push them back. Guardians like me are strong, capable of understanding and doing things that people can only dream of. But... I never thought what would happen if... this were all to change. What if... hypothetically, you were to travel across a dimension and fall in love? Interesting, ain't it? Well, pfft... you could've fooled me, yeah. 

Y/N... who are you talking to? 

Nobody! Anyway, peep this. 


Y/N: Ghost, play the funk...

Ghost: The funk? 

Y/N: Yeah, just... that device we scrubbed, play the music on it! It's good. 

Boris: Steve Wonder... dah...

Chase: A little music while we worked never hurt nobody. 

Ghost: Very well...

I Wish by Stevie Wonder could be heard through the ship's speakers. 

The fireteam and I are joining our fellow guardian brothers at their checkpoint. 

The Vault of Glass. 

I harvested Atheon for a Fatebringer, and now he's back... ugh... 

In case if you don't know...

On Venus, resides an alien race known as the Vex, now, these guys aren't your conventional aliens. 

They bend time and space to their will, able to teleport one place, then travel through time, all kinds of crazy stuff. 

That is the overly simplified explanation for why the Vex are here, cough cough, they want to take over the solar system and make the universe their own, stuff like that. 

The Vault of Glass was their time hub, where they did a lot of their thinking, time-manipulating, you know the stuff. 

Atheon, Time's Conflux, was the head honcho, in charge of manipulating time for the rest of his armies, and perhaps... even fetching more armies from other points in time. 

The Templar, the protector of the vault, has already been taken care of, the Gorgons? Also gone, no issues there. 

Templar destroyed, the Gorgons outsmarted, now it's just Atheon. 

They need an extra three to help put him down for good. 

Put him down for good? I thought you already did that Y/N! Yeah, we did... but Ikora wanted us to keep the vault intact, that way we can keep harvesting and researching it. Now, Cayde-6 just gave us the greatest order known to man, demolishing the Vault of Glass. 

Take care of Atheon one more time, bombarding him with ordinance. 

Then... call the excavation teams down to start ripping it apart. 

In my opinion, we should just blow up the planet, but sadly nobody was in favor of that one...

It's just Venus, like come on! 

Boris: I don't know why we don't just blow up the planet... <Rasputin would've...> 

Y/N: Well, Rasputin isn't here right now. 

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