42: Dawning Rune

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Kai: Wakey wakey...

Ghost: Guardian! Oh... hello there...

Kai: Wakey wakey, guardian.

I slowly open my eyes to someone's... oh, that's just gross!

Y/N: Kai...

Kai: Give it a little smooch.

Y/N: Get your fucking cursed plush out of my face! Haha... *Snicker*

I smack the plush away and give her a kiss with a giggle.

Ghost: Guardian, happy Dawning day, and merry Christmas, but I just got off a transmission from Ryze and Zilean. We have all but one world rune... once we find them all, we can use them all to infuse you, and give you the highest possible light no guardian has ever reached...

Y/N: Ugh... I'm so tired... what light level?

Lyfe: According to my calculations, do you... want the full number?

Y/N: How high is it?

Ghost: You would be as powerful as the watchers or even more powerful. According to a scale developed by the Targon College of Magic, you would be higher than tier 1... you would be...

Kai: C-c-cosmic-based...

Y/N: So, I become a god?

Kai: You wouldn't be a god... you would be more! You would become THE god!

Y/N: Holy shit... I'm not ready for that.

Lyfe: That's why we get you ready, once we find this last world rune, that is.

Kai: Just take your time... are we on a clock?

Ghost: No longer sure.

Kai: Well, how about you two go wake up the others, then go sit on your little pillow and imagine giving one another a kiss?

Ghost: We aren't... compatible l-like that.

Y/N: Was that a stutter?

Both of their eyes turn pink.

Lyfe: Hey, stop teasing him! For all he's done for you, you know he tries his best!

Y/N: Defending him? You guys are so adorable! Just so you know, I only tease you guys because I love you guys, you guys should really reconsider your "compatibility" theory. I bet you two could figure out a way to show affection.

Both of them look at each other, then look at me.

Lyfe: We have.

In the first time in... I think ever, they shut their eyes off to imitate closing them, then each tilt slightly to kiss one another.

I say kiss, but really, their shells intertwine, locking into each other intimately.

I don't know whether it's cute or terrifying.

Both? Both...

Kai: Awww... they're kissing! Ahri needs to see this.

She takes a picture with her phone, texting it to all the girls.

Lyfe separates from Ghost, deleting it from her phone with a simple scan.

Kai: Awww... well, the beauty of networking!

Lyfe: I am going to tase you so much...

Y/N: Uh, she might actually enjoy that!

Ghost: TMI...

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