T4: The New Me

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So, a big update, we got Lyfe hooked up to the ship's computer now. It looks like she's just in a suspended state, her light was drained when her guardian, AKA me, died. That can tend to happen according to Shim regarding overcharge. Although, nowadays we have radiance, amplification, and devour to help maintain overcharge. At least he lives in another reality, raising some kids.

Shim: Okay, shall I try to reboot her?

Y/N: Yeah, see if you can do that.

Shim zaps one of the keys on the terminal, and together we watch Lyfe's eye begin to power up and flicker. It flickers for a minute or two, and then you can hear some ghost-like clicks and beeps. Then, we know she's awake when her eye powers up and the front of her shell twitches.

The music we have on in the background is Kendrick Lamar's All the Stars, and when the chorus hits, she starts to rise up. Nothing, and I mean nothing, could've been more fitting than that.

All she does is just scan the room, without saying a single word. She flies to the mirror to look at herself, scanning it. Then, she flies back to where we were hanging out, scanning Shimmer's chrome, spherical shell.

Lyfe: E-extraordinary... p-please tell me I'm in the hangar at home...

Shim: T-that couldn't be even further from it... actually, <girl.>

Lyfe turns around, looking over at me.

Lyfe: What year is it?

Y/N: I have no idea, but you came from a time where the maximum light level was 400, 500 unstable. I-I'm sorry about... what your guardian went through, no guardian deserves that kind of fate, they always deserve to die in battle.

Lyfe: Y/N... won and... as Ghost and I tried to syphon out his excess light, the orbs of light wouldn't stop flowing out of him, he had a heart attack right there, in the battlefield, frying me and Ghost in the process.

Y/N: The light is dangerous in high doses.

She drops to a more, cynical, sarcastic tone.

Lyfe: No shit...

Shim's shell widens, absolutely baffled to hear those words from a ghost.

Y/N: Well, hate to burst your bubble but... this couldn't be any more of a coincidence. Your Y/N is dead, he died fighting Aurelion Sol, am I right?

Lyfe: He did win though...

Y/N: He did, and I honor him.

Lyfe: What is your name? And... we aren't in the Tower hangar?

Y/N: We aren't in the Tower hangar because I was sent through a dimensional portal by the Witness.

Lyfe: "Witness"?

Y/N: He is the leader of the Darkness, yeah, we finally encountered the leader of the Darkness, or the first physical embodiment that is.

Lyfe: Astonishing... wait, WE AREN'T HOME?!

Y/N: Nope. We are still in Runeterra, we found you deactivated by Y/N's old grave, like a dog who lost her owner. Uh, now, I got a question-


Y/N: Calm down! Hey! Stop! Such interesting language coming from a ghost, you guys were programmed to be nice!

Shim: I guess... after enough stress... one's programming can be altered, maître...

Lyfe: Okay, it's alright... Ghost is dead, and... he was another ghost, literally named Ghost, and was... I-I... I didn't even think we were capable... b-but...

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