16: Demonic Veil

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I'm beat, exhausted.

I don't know if you know this, but self-resurrection is VERY draining.

I take off my trench coat, setting it on the coat hanger with the majority of my gear.

I sit on the couch, with my little foxy flopping over the couch and plopping down next to me.

She already has a bowl of popcorn in her hands somehow, so it's up to me to bring the blanket.

I grab one from under the ottoman, draping it over both of us. Ghost then comes in, fluttering his shell and landing on the ottoman.

He disables his hovering, flopping onto the ottoman like a paperweight.

Ahri: Mmmm! Mmmmm!

Y/N: What?

Ahri's mouth is full of popcorn, and she's waving her hand towards the remote.

I reach over and grab it, handing it to her.

Ahri softly: Mmmm...

She takes it, cycling through various places on the tv.

Hell, I have no idea how it works but I can learn.

Her tails wiggle around, then wrap around the both of us.

She lays her head on me as she throws a movie on, lowering her head on my shoulder.

I'm now obligated to share popcorn with her and watch snuggle with her like I promised.

Kayn... man... you were a troubled soul... I didn't want to put you in your place, but someone had to teach you a lesson one way or another.

I just think I taught that lesson a bit too hard...

At least Eve liked it.

Akali? I have yet to speak to her on the matter, she's probably not happy.

Considering that... I accidentally burned her hand and vaporized her boyfriend.

Well... new ex-boyfriend... she had to build up enough courage to tell me that she was breaking up with him!

I expect some combination of a tad of grief with mostly sadness from the breakup.

She's going to be broken for... a while, if she's not good with change.

Nevertheless, what is this movie?


It's been a good couple of hours, someone joined us, and I had no idea.

I feel a thinner tail begin to squeeze my leg.

Eve whispers: No... stop!

Y/N: Huh? Uhhh... Eve.

Eve: I'm sorry, they just have a mind of their own, darling!

Ahri looks over next, gasping.

Ahri: Eve!

Eve: I'm sorry, Ahri!

Ahri: Not cool... why'd you sit right next to him?

Eve scooches over, looking at me with a slight frown.

Y/N: It's alright just... don't do it again.

She lights up a bit, then goes back to the show.

Ahri: He's mine...

Eve: You can't have him to yourself forever...

Ahri: I sure can...

Y/N: Guys! Movie.

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