33: Kalilation Fists

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Turns out... Kai was in a coma.

We had a doctor named Shen come by last weekend to look at her.

He thinks it's whatever substance they attempted to use on her.

She'll be alright, as the symbiote is probably feeding off the chemicals that are trying to kill her from said substance.

Yeah, I guess a symbiote waking up in your system can cause some damage...

I hope she's alright.

Right now, I'm helping some Yordles lift the ship out of the backyard after this wave of snow melted enough.

???: LEFT!!! LEFT!!!


We just got the one thruster out of the pool, the last piece that's going to the hangar.

Teemo: I say that's a job well done, say, was it a fighter?

Y/N: It was, the Timeless Tereshkova.

Teemo: Woah... now I really have seen it all... anyway, take care, Y/N, we're paid for!

Y/N: Cool! Let me know if you lose a piece! We need all of it!

Teemo nods, running back to the truck to haul it out.

I head back inside after that adventure to a big purple man.

Wearing one awfully large suit.

He puts Shaxx to shame...

Mundo: Ah! How do you do?! Mundo is the name!

Y/N: Y/N.

Mundo: Mundo was just visiting Ms. Ahri to see about the tour idea, is it on? Or is it not on?

Y/N: Yeah... well, is it?

Mundo: Mundo does not know what she means by "I'll think about it".

Y/N: Well, Kai'Sa is in a coma and Seraphine is still emotionally unstable, I'd say give them more time. What about the spring? People usually come out in the spring to celebrate the end of winter.

Mundo: Mundo thought about that, and less costs for non-winter travel.

Y/N: The only issue we face is seasonal depression, which is all in the head, some people hate spring because of the weather it brings, all rain and shit. Though... it should lift more than drop... I say wait until spring.

Mundo: You seem like you know your stuff, Mundo respects that!

Y/N: Where I came from, it was my job to know stuff, sometimes I still outsmart my robotic companion.

Ghost flies out of me.

Ghost: I am Ghost!

Lyfe: You mean companions...

Lyfe wakes up and flies off of the coffee table.

Y/N: This is Lyfe, two robotic companions.

Mundo: Well, Mundo appreciates you both being compact, it makes travelling easier.

Y/N: Oh, they're the reason I don't need bags.

Mundo: Even better! And this isn't some... for lack of better word... goofy fanfiction where we wouldn't be able to take you along, this is the real world! You are coming along in the spring, yes?

Y/N: Of course!

Mundo: Wonderful! Well, Mundo shall propose the spring idea to Ms. Ahri, potentially... we get a deal going and... we shall see!

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