6: New Faces

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It's been a couple weeks of dicking around with the transmat before Jinx finally got bored.

Zeri... has already been bored, she lost interest as soon as I told her no when she wanted to hold a mote of light.

Those are mine... sorry... along with my strange coins.

I'll explain what everything is in due time, but... there are some things I just can't give up.

Zeri: Really?! Come on... let me at least have one!

Y/N: Ugh...

She has me beat with those puppy eyes.

I transmat one mote of light to my hand.

It vibrates in my hand, it's power hums with the desire to latch onto a piece of equipment, light running through it.

Y/N: Be VERY... gentle, with this. Like your hex crystals, and hextech, these can be very dangerous in the wrong hands, same as all my equipment, attuned with motes like these.

The light is much, much, much.... more powerful than hextech or hex crystals for that matter, rivaling the power, actually... using the power of the world runes.

One infused with magic from its ancestors, one powered from an otherworldly entity, with its intentions unknown, which one sounds scarier?

If you chose the otherworldly entity, you would be correct.

I hold it out for her and her hands spark as she grabs onto of it.

She takes it, and it immediately startled her by trailing up her arm and into the gun on her back.

She takes her gun off her back, and the mote dissolves into it, causing the weapon to flash and whirr silently.

The mote found something worth powering and applied it's aid accordingly.

Ghost: Fascinating... like something doesn't need matter or synth weave for a mote to accept it.

Ghost comes over, rotating and beeping, scanning Zeri's gun to see how it was affected.

Ghost: Charging capability... energy blast?

Zeri: Hmmm... don't let Jinx find out about this!

I hear the toilet flush, and Jinx running to the door, bursting through it.

Jinx: Find out about what?!

Y/N: Nothing, just that some of my stuff is pretty cool.

Jinx: That it is Y/N... that it is... Ekko would love to talk to you about your dimensional travel, by the way!

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