3: Sticking Around

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Bel: Like it or not, this is your home now, Zilean is one of the best and he can't get you home. That's saying a lot right there, my child.

Ghost: Guardian, would you rather your friends be stuck floating through various points in time, endlessly until they die of brain rot while attempting to wait for you, or would you rather they die quickly, and painlessly, after they lose their Ghosts and suffer the Aegis curse?

Y/N: You're right... you guys are right. They all knew the risks... same as me.

Bel: Besides, I'm sure you'll enjoy your new home here.

Y/N: Well, not here if I'm being honest.

Bel: Yeah, that's why I've been working on a spell ever since you killed my Voidlings. I do hope we see each other again, because you do seem interesting to talk to, maybe I will come visit. Goodbye Y/N, the guardian of the Traveler.

Y/N: Wait what- OKAY BYE!!!


Ghost: More flying, I'm gonna be sick!

Y/N: You're gonna be sick?! Who's flying through the air right now?! Will we ever feel the ground?!


I get knocked out unconscious, I must've landed on my head, I could've died too, who knows?

I feel my life force start to come back, Ghost fidgeting as he revives me.

Y/N: Ugh... my glider couldn't kick in; I was too fast.

Ghost: Yeah, you had a pretty bad injury to your upper spine and cranium, but nothing like a little revive couldn't fix!

Y/N: Thank you once again, saving my life Ghost.

Ghost: No problem, it's what I do, guardian.

I stand up, admiring the crater that I created in this open field.

Y/N: Damn... I fell down like a meteor.

Ghost: Well, a meteor would've combusted in this atmosphere, you however, did not.

I take my helmet off to breathe in the fresh air, admiring the gorgeous open field and scenery.

Y/N: Was this what Earth was like... before the collapse?

Ghost: Yeah, and I'm sure it was beautiful- uhh... guardian, I'm picking up some odd energy readings. They're... alarmingly similar to your energy readings...


A rune appears on the ground in front of the crater, and walking out if it, another man.

It's nice to see that people in this dimension are powerful beings and are willing to talk before blasting me with whatever unkept gun is in their hand.

???: And... who... are you?

Y/N: I could ask you the same thing.

???: Friend or foe?

Y/N: I haven't put my helmet back on, so I consider myself a friend, my name is Y/N, and... I'm not from around here.

???: I'll say, I had a telepathic conversation with Zilean, turns out you are a powerful being from another dimension.

Y/N: How do you- damn... that's cool.

Ryze: I am Ryze, and I only make my presence known because I wonder of your intentions.

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