H4: It Finally Begins...

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I take the parking ticket off the ship and read it. Says it's been 2 minutes over the time limit, so I received a fine of... what fucking currency is that? Gold? They pay each other in gold?! 

???: Can I help you?

Y/N: Yeah, I'm not from around here, what currency is this? 

???: Oh, that's in gold... not literal gold... you can pay digitally if that suits you, or the court would take gold coin, I assume. Noxian dollars, especially here... might not work... 

Y/N: I'm not from Noxus. 

She looks up at the ship, then at me. 

???: Certainly not! 

She smiles at me, then floats away, back to her tourist booth. 

Y/N: Sting, write that down.

Sting: The lady or the currency? 

I watch the strut for a second. 

Y/N: Both. 

Sting: You know, you're moving a little fast for someone who just lost their life and their loved ones...

Y/N: Stop... the faster I forget, the better it'll get, reread the study of guardian psychology, it's not just to calm me down from spazzing out and golden gunning a colony. 

You wonder why my hands heat up? Before I had knives I would use to cast a Blade Barrage, a hurricane of knives that I would through at whatever group threatened, me, putting on that stress. However, without all those knives... I have my Ace of Spades... and if the urge hits, I'll put a few holes through some things. 

Cayde was able to control his, casting his into a rapid-fire six-shooter, however mine... was much more aggressive. I am able to switch between a rapid-fire flaming cannon OR... a real hand cannon, which will punch a hole through literally everything we tested. 

Cayde: Guardian, put a hole through that. 


Ever since I put a hole through an "obsidian composite that could supposedly absorb my shot", while simultaneously putting a hole through Cayde's ship, my ship, and whatever else that shot hit, I deemed it unsafe and promised myself and my fireteam I had to take it easy. 

Cayde: Okay... don't tell Zavala. 

Cayde said it was an old wise tale of the Celestial Nighthawk, one golden gun shot, but one so strong it put holes through everything. The helmet was an artifact that helped people home in on that special ability, however, I was able to do it without the helmet... this made me an outlier and it's very possible I'm a descendant of some of the first guardians to walk the Earth. 

After two little paragraphs, basically if I get hot, I get deadly. But I'm always hot... so call me deadly... I'm not sorry...

Looking up in the sky, it's not sunset or nighttime this time, it's probably around 5, with the sun still out. The atmosphere is nice, not foggy, very clear, very blue. I actually kind of love it here, it's paradise. Looking over the fence is a beach that has some people laying on it, and on the other side was the seaports I woke up next to. 

Y/N: Think I'll look out of place if I bust out the skimmer? 

Sting transmats out of me, changing up his shell... ohh... nice. 


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