4: The Zaun Below

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As I'm walking around the street, sulking in my loss and grievances, little Ghost is trekking back and forth across the sidewalk in front of me like a hyper-active canine.

He's scanning everything in sight, even all the dirty needles and stuff he finds on the street.

Ghost: This world is... fascinating, it's very similar to our old world, but more... what was it?

Y/N: Steampunk, brass? Told you my scholarly skills are useful.

Ghost: Still can't believe a pre-collapse librarian became one of the most formidable guardians that the Vanguard has ever seen.

Y/N: I wasn't a librarian; I was an inventor.

Ghost: But I found you in a car, with a bunch of ruined books.

Y/N: Until we tracked some of the loose pages down and it led us to a lab. Then that's what gave me and the other guardians their own Zhalo Supercell.

Ghost: Very true, without you, we wouldn't have anything to rival the warped and unstable design of the Necrochasm. With the Zhalo Supercell built on the frame of a pre-collapse assault rifle, that's going to last any guardian for a lifetime.

Y/N: Don't know how an old Korobov design that's 800 years old can handle the light, but it's really revolutionary.

Ghost: Guns aren't biodegradable.

Y/N: But they do become obsolete.

Ghost: Got me there... so a lot of trails I scanned are leading to this place.

Y/N: The Last Drop... alright. Let's check it out, looks like an old bar.

Ghost: And I bet someone could use a drink.

Y/N: Yep.

Ghost: Seems like the day and night cycle on this planet... although alternative pole positions, has a 24-hour cycle just like Earth. 

Y/N: Huh, interesting. 

I walk inside the bar, oblivious to what I'm doing. 

Y/N: So, like, are we the only ones in this solar system? Or is it just us and a moon? 

Ghost: If we can somehow get in contact with our ship, then we could find out, but until then, we're grounded.

Y/N: True, do we have any transmat signal? 

Ghost: Well... no, maybe we could make a link and establish a link to the traveler? Maybe try the world runes if we find one...

Y/N: That could be worth a try, although hmmm... what about cross-dimensional? That's a bit of a stretch...

Ghost: Ah, you outsmarted me once again... how can we amplify the signal? Can we... even... get our ship back? 

Y/N: It could've gotten teleported with us. 

Ghost: Maybe, all we can do is just pray for-


That stops our train of thought, everyone stops talking for a moment.

Ghost: Sounds like trouble. 

Y/N: Imago Loop, Ghost, let's keep it lowkey. 

Ghost: Nothing says lowkey like a silver hand cannon that vaporizes people. 

???: What is that guy doing? 

???: He must have a death wish. 

???: Stupid fuck...

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