31: The Kai'Samentarium

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Sera giggles in the darkness again. 

Sera: Fuck! Sorry! That's just so funny... heh... I loved Regular Show... 

We switched to a cartoon show on another network. 

Sera: Dad would let me watch cartoons all day when I was sick and couldn't sleep. 

Y/N: Rest is the best medicine though. 

Sera: He would also say that... eh, you can't talk, you ran into a burning ship with shimmer flu. 

Y/N: I saved someone's life and saved their humanity with shimmer flu, there's a difference... oh fuck...


Sera: Bless you! 

Y/N: Thanks... ugh... do we have yard people coming? 

Sera: Yep, and a salvage crew to pick up the ship. 

Y/N: WHAT?! No! I mean... sorry to startle you. We can't scrap that ship, I can fix it. 

Sera: Where are we keeping that fucking thing?

Y/N: Uhhh... damn... you guys have a private jet? 

Sera: Yeah... oh no, no, no, NO! You are not keeping that thing next to the jet in the hangar! 

Y/N: Yes, I am. 

Sera: That's such... ugh...

Y/N: It'll look like shit for the first week, just give me time. 

Sera: Now I know why some of my friends can't get along with car guys...

Y/N: I'm a ship guy, it's different.

Sera: You're an everything guy, which is awesome but also a curse. Ugh... I just hate all this shit happening...

Y/N: I do too... I'll do the yard work...

Sera: It's not your fault, don't worry about it. 

She accidentally drapes her head on me, sighing heavily. 

Y/N: Well, thanks, I appreciate it, you think you're able to sleep now? 

Sera: I think so... *yawn* 

It's like four or five in the morning now, we haven't slept yet. 

I shut off the tv, the dim light of the barely lit sky is keeping the room slightly visible. 

Y/N: You need anything before I head upstairs? 

Sera slides her arm through my armpit, forcing me to move my arm around her. 

It makes me snicker slightly, and her soft groans say it all. 

Y/N: Alright... 

I inch down into bed alongside her. 

Sera: Thank you for this, Y/N... you don't mind? 

Y/N: Go for it.

Sera: Mmmm... *immediate snore* 



Jax: Mmmm... I love you, Kai... which... I have for the past two years...

Kai: Y-yeah? 

What is he planning? Saying those magical things... 

Oh boy... I can only hope for-

My heart skips a beat at the sight of a box in his hands. 

Babe opens it, revealing a brass ring, encrusted with multicolored gems, some hex, some void, even... an... Icathian diamond. 

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