17: Sharing Is Caring

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Y/N: Power from the ashes, huh?

Ghost: Well, put it on!

I take the Obsidian Mind helmet, placing it on my head, clicking the pressure seal in place.

Immediately it attunes to my armor, applying stat boosts.

Ghost: So, according to the note we got from Ikora, this helmet does... oh! "Nova bomb kills reduce the cooldown of your next nova bomb."

Y/N: What does that mean?

Ghost: No idea.


I get sent a couple feet from getting hit by a Fallen skiff turret.

I shoot up to my feet, running in cover.

Ghost: Fallen! Six o'clock!

This was before I had my Imago Loop, so I take out my Shadow Price, given to me by Zavala for my service for the Vanguard.

I take out a random grenade, it's a solar one this time around, this was before I organized my grenades.


Y/N: That was... just enough!

I turn around, climbing on the rock.


I land on the ground, watching as the Eliksni I vaporized turn to void ash on the ground.

Vandal: <So... this is the afterlife, huh?>

Dreg: <So, this is what the archon meant by afterlife by the machine?>

Dreg: <No, you idiot!>

I hear the voices in my head, surging, chatting my ears off.

Ghost: Guardian, your mental stress levels are off the charts!

Y/N: I think... *Grunt* This is... a side effect of the exotic... AAAAAAH!!!

I fall to the ground; my head is about to explode.


Ghost: Nova bomb ready again! Wow, that was fast!

Y/N: My head's on fucking fire!

Ghost: Your heart! Guardian, deep breaths! Vitals... destabilizing...

I begin to pass out, losing feeling in my legs.


I wake up, prying at my head from the pressure, panting in sweat, only to realize I have no helmet on...

Where am I? Oh, I'm at the K/DA mansion... okay... thank... oh shit...

Ahri rolls over and puts her hands on my shoulders.

Ahri: Y/N... baby... you alright?

Y/N: Yeah just... had a nightmare...

Ahri: What happened?

Y/N: A failed attempt at harnessing an exotic attunement on a helmet.

Ghost beeps as he lifts himself up off the coffee table.

Ghost: Obsidian Mind?

Y/N: Yeah, it uses the... souls of whoever I kill to power up my abilities, at the cost of... hearing those souls, consuming them, hearing their screams... it was awful... it didn't even do it that well because you had a 50/50 chance of just falling and passing out.

Multiverse Destiny (K/DA x Guardian Male Reader)(D1 x LoL)Where stories live. Discover now