19: Despisal Protocol

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After all the drinking, Eve and I are the last ones standing, well... we're sitting on the couch together in the VIP lounge, but we're up!

We can both stomach our booze like king and queen, she really is something.

Eve: Wow... you can really handle yourself.

Y/N: Damn right, this isn't my first rodeo.

Ghost: Superhuman abilities, superhuman metabolism, superhuman tolerance...

Y/N: He said it better.

Eve: I think you did, partner.

She says it in a real country-like accent.

She snickers a little, then lays on me in her lightly tipsy state.

We aren't drunk, but to say we aren't buzzed would be a lie.

Wonder where I'm meeting those guys tonight.

Y/N: Eve... like... you know?

Eve: What? *Giggle*

Y/N: You're like... amazing.

Eve gasps, then looks up at me as she rests on my shoulder.

Eve: Awww... I love you so much...

Y/N: I love you too... ever since I first laid eyes on you after that first job-

Eve: Just fucking kiss me already, guardian...

She kisses me, pulling on me with her tails.

Y/N: I love you... more than looks... you are just... one mysterious woman, with such a story to tell. Nobody knows where you came from, not even yourself.

Eve: I'll be your book; all you have to do is read me... bookworm.

Chase: Bookworm...

I wince.

Aqua: I l-l-l... *crackling, pop!*

I wince again.

Eve: Y/N, darling, are you okay? Oh no, darling! SOME-

Y/N: Relax! I'm okay I just... you triggered something... please don't call me bookworm...

Eve: Seems like I'm not the only one with secrets.

Y/N: We never got the chance to talk because we were hammering drinks. Bookworm... was the nickname used by Chase, and before her, Aqua. Ahri told me about your true form.

Eve: Oh?

Y/N: White hair, purple skin, glowing golden eye-

She shapeshifts half of her face partially right in front of me.

It's... Chase... with fangs and a better haircut...

Y/N: Woah...

She's nervous, I gently put my hand on the true side of her face, and she covers it with her hand next.

Eve: Tell me about Chase...

Y/N: She had Kali's confidence, Ahri's cuteness, and... most of all... your looks. However, your eyes are similar to Aqua's, a brighter gold.

Eve: Hmmm...

Y/N: Chase was an Awoken, a human fused with light and elements of the Reef, exceptionally elegant, despite being seen as an abomination for quite a long time by the Vanguard. Aqua was an Exo, living as a human prior to her transformation, but meeting the fate of the elements...

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