T9: Shadowed for a While

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This is definitely going to be more than 10 chapters, lol.

I keep walking along the shoreline, avoiding the city in case there's some baddies in there that don't want me around. I come across some smoke towering up between some rocks. Rounding the corner I see... oh thank the stars... 

Y/N: T-To... Tobias... Graves... 

Tobias: Holy shit... WE THOUGHT YOU WERE-*Excessive coughing!* 

Graves: Thought you were dead boy, get him some water! 

Tobias has a canteen that he rushes out from the rock with. He hands it to me, and I chug a good chunk of it. I essentially healed myself, sadly I can feel my body starting to fail on me as the day goes on. 

I am sore, and in pain from the waist down. I am hungry, but I guess that's what it's like to be stranded out at sea. Holy shit, I am actually stranded out at sea, this is crazy... 

Y/N: Just like the movies...

Tobias: There's the ruined village just over there, not much like the movies. 

Y/N: You know if anyone actually lives there? 

Graves: No, nobody does... I woke up there. 

Y/N: Sure they didn't just-

Graves: You make fun of my pomaded hair, I slap you... you look like a tampon.

Y/N: Well, all the pink is gone and... ugh... yeah... I do... 

Tobias: Both of you better make up, we're gonna be here a while. Not only did the boat blow up, but it seems Y/N no longer has access to his materials, and I also got a death wish from Eve when I pulled out the divorce paper. Told her I was gay, she signed it, and was bawling her eyes out when I left. Hopped in my car, and the psycho bitch ran after me.

Y/N: Hey, you took a piece of her life away, she's definitely pissed. Algea and demons alike take commitment very seriously, especially since their hunger is built on manipulating the idea. 

Tobias: Figures... she hovered across the front lawn, turning from skin to purple welts, her true form... something I haven't seen since the battlefield. Cut my car in two pieces, managed to get away by jumping in the back of a garbage truck, ironically... When I got ahold of you, I made it to Last Drop, she lost me on the way there. 

Shim: Yet... we still have the light, because without the light, we would not function. 

Low-Lyfe: I say come back here when shit gets better... the view is so nice! 

Tobias: Oh, it so is. If this place wasn't cursed, I'd live here. 

Graves: Yeah, Bilgewater is about the same. 

Y/N: That's one thing for sure, this place looks a lot better than where I came from. Almost everywhere looks better in fact, because the buildings aren't destroyed. Try to imagine that ruined city down there but with some scary aliens running around it. 

Tobias: Even then, that doesn't sound so bad... *sniff* 

He finally takes his jacket off and ties it around his head. Graves takes off the top half of his jumpsuit, revealing his build under a tank top. Both guys are fit, capable, and were probably the zestiest criminals in their prime. Now they're a little dried up...

Y/N: Well, let's go check out the city, see if we can find anything.

Tobias: Ugh, can't we just chill here? 

Y/N: What, and die from the heat? I see shelter, potential food, and all we have to do is cook the water. 

Graves: Alright... I'm sold, let's go. 

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