H11: Give the Peaches Some Sugar

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Kai came out of that shower looking pretty, and she came over to me and we haven't stopped cuddling. We've never really talked about relationship stuff, it just kinda speaks in actions with the both of us.

I got my arms wrapped around her belly, being the big spoon to her little spoon as we watch some tv together. We had to move the couch around, but it was worth it.

Kai: So, can you play any other music?

Y/N: I could try... but I'm good at stuff that requires a guitar... Best thing about my fancy synth guitar is that I don't have to get notes right, it'll use the database to get things right if I mess up.

Kai: So, you're not really playing?

Y/N: I modified it and turned all the assistance crap off. It used to be able to just play the song for you, but I actually want to feel like I'm doing something. Also, I don't need an amp for it to sound good, and I can also get Sting to give me effects to play with.

Kai: Like what?

Y/N: I can make it some goofy sound, like Akali's cackle or something, and use that to play something.

Kai: Sounds like you have the pinnacle of instruments...

Pinnacle indeed. The synth guitar, unlike the weird contraptions that were made very long ago, is actually just the greatest form of guitar.

Most of it was made out of a normal guitar, however each modification, some even from the Black Armory, Tess Everis, the gunsmith, and even Ava Lavante, who always hosted events for us, were all a part in helping craft Starheart's own lead singer's guitar.

It's like an epic tale of a knight reclaiming or forging his own blade... they gave me parts to find, shipments to track down, and I did them as I was doing other things. I go to Neomuna to kill a Cabal leader, why not stop at one of the abandoned music stores to find a "harmonic imbalance bottleneck amplifier synth-frying chip".

Don't ask me what that is because I won't know either. The guitar is virtually indestructible, so I won't ever have to worry about getting another one. I always wanted to turn it into a laser gun... NO! NO! Stop...

Y/N: We all did... that's the Golden Age technology in a nutshell. You want to hold it?

Kai: No... that's fine... it'll distract me from wanting to dance.

Y/N: Well, right now we're two beached fish, cuddling together on a raft.

Kai: Well, I wouldn't want to do this with anyone else... cutie...

Y/N: What was that?

Kai: Y-you heard me!

Y/N: I don't think I did, not with that sexy accent, I don't think I understood you...

She has a very posh, Awoken accent I want to say, which I have no clue where they got it from, but it probably dates back centuries. Her on the other hand, talks like that from Icathia, which explains why she's a little void goddess.

Now, the real question is... did the Icathia Void give her the dumper or was that all the training? Ooh, man... it feels good to have it against me. Sorry Eve, Kai's is bigger, and she also knows I like tight pants, leggings looking fire on her.

Aside from that, she's just so cute. She's quiet, very caring, trustworthy, special, and oddly motherly. She can cook, which just sells it for me. I wouldn't care what she looked like at all, as long as she can cook, she's good.

In my old life, not a single guardian could cook, simply because we were bred for world-saving. That goes against me being a member of a band... but... it works... heh... anyway, all we've been doing now is watching some more movies off of Sting's database.

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