T15: What Else Is There?

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I head into Kai'Sa's room, and it's almost like she left a trail leading to the bathroom, door wide open too and I can see her showering, more or less... in the mirror, however she hasn't seen me yet, despite my appearance. 

Welp... when in Piltover...


She starts spraying her hair down as I'm walking into the bathroom quietly, dropping my shorts and entering the shower behind her. 

What shocks me is when she puts the showerhead back up, her hand goes down in between her crotch and she starts to rub something down there. As she starts moaning, the shower head sprays my face. 

I reach up and push it out of the way, then gently place my hands on her shoulders. Immediately, she takes her hands out from below her waist and gasps, throwing her hands on my thighs. I love this exchange and she doesn't seem to mind it either. 

She allows me to press myself against her, and her perfect ass proceeds to grind against my one leg. I feel up her back and pull on her shoulders, making her lean against my back. 

Kai: H-hey...

Y/N: Hey, was just finding the right time to... do this... 

Kai: Oh, well, you know this was always available too you? 

Y/N: Yeah, I just never got around to it, this is new to me. 

Kai: Not so new where I'm from... mmmm... *sniff* Oof! Here, let me help... 

She turns around with some soap in her hand, she reaches up, so I just sit down on the bench inside the shower. She comes over and starts washing my hair and then helping me wash the rest of my body, rubbing soap in her purely naked, best form. I know why she wears leggings now; she has to show off that massive caboose. 

She puts her arm over my back and leans forward, rubbing her chest against mine and moaning. 

Y/N: Didn't plan on us getting freaky... 

Kai: O-oh... I... I-uhh... 

Y/N: Relax, relax, I'm joking. Eve kept me busy a while so... I needed a shower, we're just saving on water. 

Kai: Mmm... okay... 

Y/N: Keep going though, I like this dance you're doing. 

She smirks, turning around after I'm done being scrubbed. She gyrates her hips back and forth, shutting off the water for the time being then rubbing her hands down her backside. She slowly backs into my lap, turning around and doing a tease, squatting down. 

She looks down for the first time, and her eyes practically fall out of her head once she sees my member as it's pulsating and trying to get up, but it's heavy. 

Kai: Holy... I-it's... w-wow... 

She's mesmerized, stopped dead in her tracks and she just drags her freehand down it, making me twitch and softly moan. 

Y/N: You don't need to praise its size, two people did that already.

Kai: I know, it's just... fuck... how am I gonna fit this thing in my... huh...

She uses her arm as a size comparison and then starts washing the tip gently. 

Y/N: Mmmm... well, it's all yours for the time being, and... 

I place my hand on the side of her face, putting my thumb in her mouth and she gently sucks on it. 

Y/N: It's tired whenever you are. What do you want to do? 

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