37: The Bathing

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Sera pulls back, fidgeting just a little.

She's frowning, looking like she's about to cry, devastated.

Sera: SORRY!!! Sorry... I... shouldn't have done that, I just... I wasn't thinking and-

I put my hand on her cheek, making her stop.

Y/N: Shhhh... it's okay. I enjoyed it too. I was waiting for the right moment to make an advance, looks like you just made it for me.

Sera: I shouldn't be moving on you this soon... it feels wrong... you're so much older, I... I made a mistake.

Y/N: Did you? Or... did you just act on a gut feeling? You thought this was your chance, little did you know, I'm all for it. Don't worry, I want this just as much.

I put my hands on her shoulders, then kiss her myself.

I pull back, asking the question.

Y/N: I hope I'm not taking-

Sera: A-bap-bap! No... you are not taking advantage of me. I thought about this for a bit, so how about I give in?

She goes back in for thirds, trying her best to suck my face.

I feel her hands around the back of my head, gently feeling my hair.

I move my hands down to her waist, then she takes them and moves them back up.

Sera: Mm-mm...

We separate, both of us smirking from the magic.

Sera: Not yet... now let's go home.


We arrive at the house, where I grab the ramen bags and Sera goes around back to grab her guitar.

Sera holds onto me to get through the snow, then Kali opens the door for us.

Kali: I could smell it a mile away...

Y/N: Ramen addict...

Kali: Your spicy... ramen addict.

I peck her on the lips as I come in-

Aaand... she stole a bag.

She starts ripping it to pieces on the table, arriving at the take-out bowl full of the good stuff.

She grabs her chapsticks and gets to work, lightning quick.

Sera plops down next to me as I sit at the dining table.

Sera: I got the same kind for you that I did for Kali.

Kali: *Slurp!* You'll love it!

Spicy ramen... alright...


Kali was right, I sure did.

I ease back in the chair after that meal.

I don't often need to eat, but that really hit the spot.

Kali looks at me, who finished her ramen before everyone else.

Kali: *Light burp!* Excuse me! Uhh... you like?

Y/N: I loved that, it's nothing compared to the place back home but... it's pretty good.

Kali: Typical, nothings ever good for you, huh?

Y/N: Shush... everything is perfect for me, especially...

I boop her nose.

Y/N: You.

I point to each and every other girl.

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