25: Tethi and Time

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I arrive back at the house, Kali and I sore as hell.

Kali barely crawls off of me, and I follow.

The sparrow goes as we walk each other inside, through the garage.

Kali: You know we're getting our own private gym, right?

Y/N: Oh, wait, really? That's cool! Where?

Kali: Down in the basement, we're thinking of tossing the ratty old couches and bar for a gym!

Y/N: I bet Sera won't be happy to hear you pumping iron every morning.

Kali: Nah! That's what you think, until she saw and charmed a rat, then convinced that little nuisance to leave.

Y/N: That bad? I've never been down there.

Kali: Oh, it's empty right now. My room and Sera's room are the only parts done.

I follow her into the house and down the stairs into the basement.

She's right, just an empty, bamboo floor that then transitions into rubber padding.

You can tell where the bar used to be, because they still haven't totally concreted that part back up yet.

The walls are painted, and a flat screen is sitting against the wall, waiting to be put up.

Kali: We're just waiting for the Yordles to come in with the new machines and junk... we might put some seats or some couches in the corners so we can watch TV still. Most of this bar space is just going to be used by the kitchen bar upstairs.

Y/N: So, not all Yordles are trying to blow up humanity, good to know.

Kali: Why? You find a crazy one?

Y/N: You have no idea, stay out of Zaun.

Kali: Don't have to tell me twice, that place is a shit hole.

Y/N: Hey, it has character!

Kali: Uh-huh... and needles on the sidewalk... and bullet holes embedded in each door I see. Look, I'm gonna go get a shower, you think about your reward...

Kali goes into her room, purposely taking her sports bra off, revealing her naked backside, side-eyeing me over her shoulder as the doors shut.

Y/N: Ghost, run a refreshment sweep and open up a silent comms link with Eve.

Ghost: Sure thing! Scanning...

I have this option instead of taking a shower, Ghost activating a disinfectant built into my armor.

This is built into my coat, and it was first designed to wash blood off of our armor, but now we use it each time we transmat, so that we are disinfected and smelling good each time we enter our ships, enter a destination, or step foot in the tower.

There have been many instances prior to the invention, based on the stories I've read, of Vex organisms and Hive illnesses spreading from a previous battle.

Ghost: Okay, take a peak at this, I got a link to Eve's phone, we should get you a cell phone to make this process more... normal?

Y/N: Primitive, but... alright.

Ghost: I can... project it...

He projects a texting interface in front of me, letting me control it with my fingers.

Eve: what Y/N want?

Y/N: Y/N here now, what does Kali mean when she tells me she'll reward me? She wanted to reward me for helping and being a good trainer, it was a suggestion but she's committed idk what that means

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