H15: Getting Tail

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So, here we are. Fast forward another month, not much has changed, and the spring weather is now in full force, not every day is a gamble anymore. I finally get to dress light and not have to take my coat out every morning.

The beach was fun, I got to take Eve in the water, and people left us alone when security stepped in. We got a private spot, which was away from everyone else, so we could just chill. Ahri didn't do much fun stuff, and Eve didn't either. Eve let me rub sunscreen on her back... but Ahri didn't, that's okay.

We've tried to make it a weekly thing. Every Friday we try to get Ahri out of the house to do something with us, and so far... I think she's taking her breakup well, finally forgetting about that big wolverine guy. She's a good friend, and even better leader of her group now, heavily empowered.

Akali? We don't talk about what's going on with her, we go to the gym sometimes, and holy shit... sweet cakes... Eve, Sera, and Kai are doing fantastic, but I'm worried I don't spend enough time with Kai'Sa. Once again, that idea of being all under the same roof is just sounding better and better.

Today's Friday, and Ahri's a little excited...

Ahri: HEY Y/N!!!

I'm forced to pull my phone away from my ear after that outburst.

Y/N: Someone's excited! You just get your tails fluffed, foxy?

Ahri: Haha... no... just wondering what our plans are for tonight.

Y/N: Well, Kai might not be joining us, she's dancing again... Kali and Kayn are out and about.

Ahri: Seraphine is with some of the record people trying to dispute some copyright claims... ugh... legal headache...

Y/N: And Eve is... at a photoshoot...

Ahri: So that leaves...

Y/N: Us... hmmm...

Ahri: It wouldn't be a date...

Y/N: Sure, Starheart and K/DA Ahri going around town as a couple, I MEAN!!! A uhh... a duo!

Ahri: Yeah!

Y/N: Where do you wanna go?

Ahri: Uhm... we could go to the one sushi place by the beach. We passed by it on the way to the beach that one time, I know where it is, I can drive us! It's new.

Y/N: Oh, what's it called?

Ahri: Uhhh... Sushi... Place... I have to find the name, give me a sec, when are you free?

I look down and I'm just laying on Sera's couch in my underwear, Bao on my chest.

Y/N: Now? I'm just cat sitting at Sera's, but I think Bao's alright.

Ahri: SURE!!! Oh, this is gonna be so fun!

Back to her energetic foxlike self, always in the mood to play, wonder what we're gonna get up to tonight. I can see how Kali and Ahri both live together, the queen and the rebel, it's because they both act similar. Akali wants to play and do crazy shit, and Ahri wants to play and act sophisticated when it matters.

I put my phone away and then take Bao off my chest.

Bao: Meow?

Y/N: Yeah, I'm heading out with Ahri. You know the drill, don't be an ass.

Bao: Meow...

Y/N: Good boy.

Bao goes over to his auto feeder and eats some of his leftovers as I grab my clothes. Yes, I was in my underwear for good reason, not because I was a slob. Sera kept me busy last night and I just haven't moved since.

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