H12: A Big Rock

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I arrive at the fair's parking lot, stopping in one of the motorcycle spots, only to have the skimmer disappear once we hop off of it. 

Sera: Wow... that was... fun actually! 

Y/N: I mean, I'd hope so, that's why I ride the thing. This is our day of fun, babe, let's go enjoy it. 

Sera: OKAY!

She pulls on my hand, taking me down the sidewalk and into the grass, where the fair is taking place. It's in one of the massive city parks, with buildings surrounding it, a total hot spot. She takes me right up to a ticket booth, where I guess we gotta pay for entry. 

Sera: Two tickets please! 

Cashier: Woah, K/DA Seraphine! Sure thing, give me a sec... 

She hands us tickets and then stamps our hands, then together both go in. Although, more like I'm pulled along while she skips inside. 

Y/N: So, where are we going first? I never done something like this befo-

???: HI!!!

???: It his him... 

Two random girls just ran up to me, clearly college girls or something similar, because they look about Seraphine's age. Seraphine is just looking at me cluelessly and then scolding the girls who came up to me. 

Y/N: Can I help you guys? 

???: Were you the one who played that concert in Bilgewater a little while ago? 

???: Your dance moves were insane! 

???: His voice was even better, Sandra, come on! 

I watch them both bicker and then giggle, then bounce up and down in excitement when they look back at me. 

???: IT IS YOU!!! God, people have been looking all over the world for you! 

???: Luckily, we were near the front of the stage. 

???: Ummm... what's your name? Your stage name... 

Sera smirks at me, and then holds my hand just a little tighter. I think... should I just keep it how it was? The band is gone now, but I guess... 

Y/N: I'm Starheart, or, my old band was, but I took it with me. 

???: That's so bad... 

???: Cool... can we get a photo? 


Y/N: Guys, relax... I don't know, it'll happen when it happens. Just let me enjoy some time with my boo here. 



They both run around us and squeeze us tight, taking a selfie with us and then disappearing into the crowd. 

???: Thanks, Starheart! 

Sera: Well... you owe them a concert...

Y/N: Yup... and I owe you a stuffed animal from a rigged carnival game. Let's go. 

Sera: Yesssssss....

She hops with me all the way to the gaming area, where she pulls me to one she wants. It's a rigged game for sure, where you have to pop the balloons. However, the balloons have some thick skin upon further inspection, so I'll need something sharp. Picking up the darts, they are dull as fuck. 

Y/N: Man... you guys are trying everything here... does it work? 

Carnie: I dunno what ya mean? 

Y/N: Forget about it. 

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