T6: Life Steal

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Ahri gasped halfway down, and then yanked my mask all the way down, now she's frozen. She had no idea that... it was... her own lover from another reality this whole time, a different Y/N...

All I do is stay quiet so she can process what's happening. I'm sure she's confused, but little does she know I've given her all the answers, she just has to connect the dots. She also knows this is real too, or at least now she does with how much she's running her hand along my face to confirm it.

I just let her do whatever is comfortable for her, because honestly, I do think I care about her. I care about all of them after tonight. After shutting out these feelings for so long, I think I'm going to embrace them.

This situation is fucked... 

We get lifted out of our moment by someone knocking. 

Muffled Kai'Sa: AHRI!!! IS THE PARTY OVER-


We're back to silence, and the music coming through the floor stops, giving us the silent that she needs to sort of... process this. She keeps running her hand along my cheek, feeling the grooves of my face, the bump of my jawline. 

I hold out my other hand low, going to put it on her lap and her other hand takes it, squeezing it extra hard, hard enough to... actually... hurt me. Lyfe was right, these girls were champions in another life. I'm glad they gave it up, maybe I'll give up my champion life too. 

She starts to smirk, but then the quivering lips turn into a frown, all she lets out is a depressing little whimper. I can't tell if it was... happy? No, no... confused, she is just confused, filled with nothing disbelief. 

Tears start to run down her face, and I just... let her do what she's comfortable with. This isn't my moment, it's all hers. To be honest I'm not good with emotions, but letting her do whatever in this scenario is working out... I think. 

Ahri: Y-Y/... Y/N... W-wha... wha... *long ass pause* ...EEEEEEEEEEYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!


She starts bawling her eyes out, squealing as she slams her head into my chest, wrapping me up in her arms and her tails. The ghosts pop into the room, but then pop out once they figure out the situation. I stay there frozen for a good ten or so seconds, but I feel horrible for it. 

I end up moving my arms up her back, wrapping around her bare back, as the top she had on doesn't have one. She had a nice skirt on too for the party, same with her fashionable boots, but okay, enough setting her up. 

The room's light strips are set to pink, and they are dimmed really low. They are a subtle, peaceful light, very calming for a moment like this. What she was hoping for might've been a first kiss, ended up being a discovery that could scar her for life. Ahri, I'm sorry.

Y/N: I-I'm... s-sorry for keeping it hidden for so long, you didn't deserve this, and it's so messed up. I just wanted to show you at the right time, and now I think is better than never doing it at all... 

Her ears perk up, but she's still crying, like she made a discovery or realization. She pulls her head off my chest and all I do is just hold her sides, right below her armpits. 

Ahri faintly: I-I... g-guess t-that explains a lot... how you knew him... b-but never met him... y-you were... you were... YOU WERE HIM!!! ALL THIS FUCKING TIME!!!

Y/N: I'm not though! Sure, I'm Y/N! The same Y/N! But I never met you, this version of me... never met you, never met anyone here before, I know you now Ahri, and I'm forever thankful for it. But... I-I... what am I trying to say... I am from a different time where our paths never crossed, and you are where the warlock Y/N perished. 

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