46: To Noxus, the Last Rune

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Ahri: Mmmm... morning babe... you excited for our daytime concert? Babe...

Y/N: Five more minutes...

Ahri: The flight leaves in a couple hours... we have to get ready! BABE!


She hits me with her tails and puts her hand on my chest.

Y/N: Alright... ugh...

Then she does the spinny thing that she did to me before.

She spins around on the bed, whacking me a bunch of times with her tails, burying me in them.

Y/N: Ugh... ALRIGHT!!! Alright...

Ahri: Hey, don't you take that tone with me mister!

Eve: Don't you take that tone with her mister!

Kali: You talkin' to the queen like that?!

Y/N: Oh, I knew this would happen... guys I'm so sorry...

Eve: Awww... darling... is saving the world stressing you out?

Y/N: It is... it so is...

Eve: Awww... give me a hug.

She hugs me, stuffing my face in her breasts.

Y/N muffled: I don't think this was the hug I was looking for.

Eve: What's that?

Kali: Eve...

Eve: Why are you on the floor?

Kali: Some fox girl was kicking in her sleep again and kicked me off!

Ahri: S-sorry...

Kali: Oh, and also, how are you going to do your... plan, without a ship?

Y/N: I finish it today; this test flight will be its test fight. Although, if that stealth drive works, I shouldn't have to fight.

Ghost: Oh, you will, trust me.

Y/N: What?

Ghost: Once you engage in the building, blasting the entry way, that will alert their forces fast. I calculated you have 64.23 seconds before they arrive at the experimental reactor room in tower 3. Stealth mode is deactivated once it detects discharge, you know this!

Y/N: Fuck, you're right, alright.

Kali: You sure we can't just dress you up in a lab coat and send you down there?

Y/N: Nope.

Kali: If you make it out of this, and if your ship is alright, I'm painting it.

Y/N: Sure, you glammed Ghost right up, that's fine.

Kali: Good.

Y/N: Alright, well, I guess we should get ready for our flights.

Ghost: Guardian, is the ship ready?

Y/N: You ran through the checklist, right? Diagnostics are positive?

I kiss each of the girls and walk out of the room, swinging my trench coat on my back.

Ghost: I ran through it tenfold, diagnostics are very positive, however, the plasteel hull...

Y/N: Ugh... no... come on, we welded that back up eight times over! The metal isn't weak, we added more to it! It survived a Gjallarhorn round to it, that's something, recalculate it.

Why? Everything is perfect, the strike is simple, this will be easy, in and out.


Y/N: You're scared, aren't you?

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