T16: Last Key Moments

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Y/N: Alright! Feel free to move about now! I set it to autopilot, give it a couple hours, we'll be in Ionian airspace. You said you just wanted to go to the beach? 

Kali: Well... I wanted to visit the Kinkou temple, it's since been abandoned.

Y/N: Figured as much... we'll go check out the beach and see the tourist trap. 

Kali: And uhh... also spend some time in my old room, teach you some of the Ionian ways... maybe give you a massage... 

Y/N: What kind of massage? 

Kali: Gotta give you something for messing around with you for so long. I figure you could use it to relax. Let me start with your back, come on. 

She puts her hands on my shoulders and attempts to climb on me as I'm walking towards the back window of my ship, making sure nothing is on our tail. I grab onto her legs and carry her down to my bedroom and toss her on my bed. I say bedroom, really, it's just... "bed compartment", since all that is in there is a bed and a little spot to put stuff on, like my helmet. 

Kali: Ugh... smells like a wet dog here!

She sees a long hair and picks it up, ohh... good to know that Ahri likes to shed... 

Y/N: Yeah... probably could've cleaned it after that... 

Kali: Smells like a wet Ahri... scratch that... 

Y/N: Yuck. 

Kali: I bet you love sleeping in that bed now, bet you don't even wanna wash it, babe. 

Y/N: Well, I could make it smell like you if you want. 

Kali: Can you?... C-could we... do it in space? 

Y/N: If you want. Sounds kinda hot. 

Kali: Real.

Y/N: You want me to have an Akali-smelling bed? 

Kali: Okay, now it just sounds gross when you say it like that. 

She giggles a little as I take a seat on the foot of the bed, and she just hugs my backside, nuzzling my shoulder. After a little bit, the ship starts beeping, so that's my cue to take her upstairs and strap her down, and then going through the clouds. 

What I arrive at is a beach with an old dock. I land right next to the dock, and off in the fog is an old temple, which I'm guessing was one of the old Kinkou settlements. 

Kali: Yeah... the Kinkou order has been around for such a long time. However now it's since been disbanded. All orders and gangs have been rounded up by Noxians and those who didn't shake hands with them well... had to leave.

Y/N: Least they weren't killed. 

Kali: At that time, giving them the boot was basically killing them. 

Y/N: I'm sorry you had to go through that...

Kali: Don't be, I left right before all that happened, when I was 19. 

I get up and leave the cockpit, looking down at her, rubbing her shoulder. She places her head against my waist, and I just run my hand through the part of her hair that dangles off the side of her head. One thing that I've learned having 5 girlfriends is that you literally do not have time for all of them, you just don't. 

I don't care what anyone says, what research has been done, but the commitment to time ratio is horrendous. I never got the chance for her to talk about her past like that to me and we've been together for like eight months... 

I made sure to split up my time equally with every girl, which creates issues because some will feel more neglected at times, or sometimes the romantic flame won't burn as bright, because you're thinking about another girl while you're porking another, or maybe you bring home a gift for one, but the other thinks it's for them... 

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