H1: The Family

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"Alright, you've done this before, how's this going to be any different?" 

Distant gunshots and guitar riffs can be heard, along with the sounds of a screaming crowd to swallow those sounds whole. 


"Hey Y/N, you alright in there!" 

"Yeah, yeah...." 

The faint sounds of crowd chanting can be heard as a door opens. And the sounds of two pairs guardian boots stomping down a corridor. 

"Just that talk gave me some shit to think about." 

"Oh yeah, like what? You leaving the band or something?" 

"Never, never, just wonder what's going to happen when we get the chance to speak to Riven." 

"Probably needs our help, then we'll see." 

"There you guys are! Come on, they started chanting for us! 







The sound of, Prince - Let's Go Crazy, can be heard.

Dak: Dude, what are you do-

Y/N: SHHHH!!! Shut the fuck up. 

I close my eyes again, letting the music get into my bones to prepare me for the worst. Right now, I'm in the Dreaming City with my friends. My Exo warlock lady, Gemini-2, and my titan, my Awoken boy, Dakari. Together, we are an unstoppable force of fuck.

Now, shut the fuck up... let me get in the moment.

Y/N: Okay, okay, let's go. 

I sprint off the cliff, jumping through the portal and into impending doom. The other two bozos over my comms just absolutely dumbfounded at my overwhelming bravery. 

Dak: Did he really just jump off? 

Gem: Y/N!!!

I hear my other two fireteam members jump into the portal behind me, and they take a moment to take everything in while I'm about to go into kill-mode. In front of me is a crystal-packed corridor, and at the end of it, is the corpse of Riven, an ahamkara that was hidden by the Awoken deep in the Dreaming City. 

I just jumped through a portal that should lead to my death, however... I am a badass... and I'm insecure. 


I cast my silk strike, a glowing green rope with a blade on the end of it and I am going to wreck some cheeks. 


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