T7: Omegadeath

251 13 11

I knock on the mansion's door and not to my surprise, Eve is the one to answer it. She checks me out, up... and down... and then leans on the door frame. 

Eve: So, darling comes back for more? 

Y/N: Always... is Ahri around? 

Eve: *Sigh* She's upstairs in her room.... you're no fun...

Y/N: No, I'm just loyal. 

She smirks as I walk past her and up the stairs, knocking on Ahri's door. 

Ahri muffled: Who is it? 

Low-Lyfe: Housekeeping? 

Y/N: It's me. 

Both of the ghosts leave me as soon as I walk into her room. I see a cute Ahri all nestled up in the corner of her couch, blanket on and everything, wearing some adorable slippers. 

Y/N: Hey boo...

Ahri: Hey, you came! 

Y/N: Well not yet... 

She gives me a scold.

Y/N: Alright, bad joke. 

She giggles as I take a seat, and immediately latches onto me. I take my jacket and any armor I have off and get right to snuggling. Her tails take the liberty of wrapping around my back, keeping me warm under the blanket. 

We cuddle and caress each other's backs for a little bit, watching... whatever the hell that is on TV. I'm watching a cartoon of a fat man fighting a fat chicken, and they are absolutely whooping each other. 

Ahri: You ever watch Family Guy? Y/N... *light giggle* that face... 

She takes a picture and I look over at her, looks like she's sending it to some group chat form of thing. 

Y/N: Hey!

Ahri: Sorry... too late...

Y/N: Come here! 

Ahri: Hey! AAAH!!! *Playful giggle!* 

I tug on her one leg that she draped on me and then start playing around with her. Her tails wag all over the place as she's trying to squirm out of my grasp. As soon as she does however, she pounces on me. 


It sends us to the other side of her couch, and we keep wrestling around. I grab onto her wrist and she pulls out of it, whipping me with one of her tails as she bounces around on the bed. We both stop, pause to stare at one another, then go back to wrestling around. 

Eventually, it gets hot and heavy. I wrap my arms around her and get on top of her, pretending to bite her neck like some filthy animal. Her tails start wrapping around my legs and she begins to thrust her hips up into me, rubbing against my pelvis. 

Our giggles... turn into moans... and we don't even separate to realize what we start to do; we just do it. 


I start to lick her neck as we rub against each other on the couch. Her moans are just stimulating me even more, raising my body heat ever higher. 

I run my hands up and down the sides of her torso, squeezing at her curves and putting my hands under her sweater, lifting it up to her neck. I start massaging her breasts and moan as her tails begin to crawl up my shirt. 

I pull back, taking off my shirt, and she does the same with her sweater and her bra, leaving just her panties and some knee-high socks, because that sweater was quite the dress on her. 

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