H14: Little Rat

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So, I am still at Sera's house, with some bandages on my back because she won't let me shoot myself. No, literally, if I kill myself or use some kind of rapid-healing method that Sting can use, I can fix all these back scratches and... god damn... tailbone fracture... yeah, my ass hurts too, it sucks. 

Anyway! Still at her house, teaching her how to keep that LITTLE RAT INSIDE THE DAMN YARD!!! I took the Lament sword and hit fuck-it, and chain-sworded her bushes for her, and some of the trees around her backyard. Good luck climbing those now. 

Sera: Arguably... I like it more open like this.

Y/N: Really? 

Sera: Yeah! I actually never realized just how big my backyard was with all the plants and stuff. I might just have some flowers, maybe have a little pond, we'll see. You learn your lesson, little guy? Hmmm, sweet roll? 

Bao: Mow... 

Sera lets Bao go and he starts running around, trying to find a place to climb up out of the fence. 

Y/N: Is there a reason he tries this? 

Sera: He just likes to explore, I think, because he usually comes back. 

Y/N: Why didn't he come back to me? 

Sera: You didn't really give him a chance, and I'll bet he got scared of you, because he hardly knows you! You should spend a day with him and get him to warm up. 

Y/N: True... I could take him with me. 

Sera: You can't stay here today? 

Y/N: Honey, I have two other girlfriends, and maybe a fourth soon, not sure, fifth? 

Sera: Okay, okay, you got a point... What do you think, Bao? You wanna be with Y/N for a day? 

Bao: MEOW!!!

Sera: Oh, come on! He was only chasing you because he didn't know you're my little explorer...

Bao: Mew... 

Bao comes crawling over to me as I crouch down, holding my hand out. He reluctantly sniffs the hand, and then lets me rub his chin, making him purr and close his eyes. I have earned the trust of the cat... 

Sera: A good little car... 

Y/N: "Car"? 

Sera: Ever since someone made a spelling mistake, it's been a meme ever since... the white car....

Bao: Bleh... *purr*

I pick Bao up next, and he crawls up onto my other shoulder, forcing Sting to hover over to my other shoulder. 

Sting: Your vitals are starting to improve as we speak, and I put some energy into your overshield so if you get hit by a car again, it'll do much less, did the same for the cat too. 

Sera: Alright Bao, you have fun! Mommy loves you! 

Bao: Meow.

I give Sera a kiss and another hug, then hobble my ass out of her house, and onto the driveway. I don't think I'm using my skimmer with my ass hurting like this, think I'll just call my ship in and have it come pick me up. 

Y/N: Sting, transmat me to the ship... 

Sera: Oh, I forgot you had a ship... never mind, that's fine! 

Y/N: You wanna come with to Eve's or wherever I'm going? 

Sera: No... you have fun! Just don't forget about me! 

Y/N: How the hell can I? I got your fur-baby right here! 

Bao: MEOW!

I wave to her as my legs transmat first, and then it trails up my body as I'm taken into my ship with Bao. I set him down on the floor and right away, he curls up in a ball around my feet. Remember, this ship was a fighter ship that was turned into a guardian ship. There is little room in here. 

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