T2: Life Vanished

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Just when I was flash banged with whatever dark energy that the Witness flicked me with, my world faded to black. I have no idea where I am but... I can think, I can't feel my body, when I try to open my eyes, I realize I have none. I am nothing but what seems to be a soul somewhere. 

Eventually, I do start to regain my senses, however it is still very dark, but at least I feel... cold. I can... feel the same energy I felt when I found the Veil, but suddenly it goes away, like the Veil disappeared right in front of me, that or something closed. I still can't see, nor can I hear, all I can do is sense. 

The coldness is getting bad, like I am freezing, if I remember correctly the Witness ripped my armor into pieces, so I could just be in space, floating. The first place I gather feeling is... my chest? I can feel myself breathing, trying to circulate blood and combat whatever cold this is. Good, that means I'm not in space. 

I can start feeling my nerves, and they're shooting all over my body. They are freezing, and fidgeting, like I'm in cold weather. I can feel my joints move now, and finally, I can see and smell. I smell a faint smell of just... empty cold, mixed with a spring, like a body of water. I open my eyes and it's just... oh, SNOW!!! I push the snow off of my face, and I'm then able to dig my way out of it. 

When I finally pop my head out of the snow, it seems like I am... atop a mountain, or very high up to warrant this much snow to begin with. I look around, seeing a body of water that that has been frozen over. I have been spat out onto a hillside next to the water. What I was feeling from the Veil must have been the portal I was thrown through. NO WONDER I'M FUCKING FREEZING!!!

I lived long enough to feel the effects. I try to speak but my throat is dry. I am hungry, I am so thirsty, and I need some serious sleep. I am wounded too, something about getting shredded by my own ship and whatever he shoved through me to cause that much pain really fucked me up. 

Y/N: S-Shimmer? Shim... Shim... *Cough, cough, cough!*

I am barely able to stand up, getting ready to limp when I see another divot in the snow, inside it, I feel a ball, oh no... when I yank it out...


Shimmer hasn't been completely destroyed, but she has been deactivated, most likely to survive long enough without me. Her shell paid the price, as it is missing, and I am not bothered to find the pieces. I clench her eye and hold it close, putting it in one of the last few pockets on my utility belt. When she becomes aware of my presence, she rips a hole in the pocket and starts snapping every which way, scanning everything in a panic. 

Shimmer: GUARDIAN!!!

Y/N: I am here! *Cough, cough...* 

Shimmer: Our light is fading... I have enough to get you moving but we have to conserve... no powers, I'm afraid... 

She uses her resurrection powers to heat me up and repair any wounds I sustained from travel. 

Y/N: So, you got any idea where we are? 

Shimmer: No, now I must conserve, so I am going to power down now... 

Y/N: Are you sure that's a good idea? . . . Shimmer? Shi-... ugh... 

She flew back into my last pocket and decided to power down, looks like it's up to me to save the both of us. All I'm down to is my nano suit that goes under everything, plasteel reinforced, however the plasteel parts are cracked or even missing. 

I have one thigh plate on my left leg, a shin plate on my right. I have a forearm plate covering my wrist on one arm and a shoulder-bicep plate covering the other. My helmet? It's gone, all that is left is the seal that was there, which I was able to pop off very carefully without cutting myself. That means it was forcibly ripped off of me at some point, maybe on travel... 

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