T13: Two at a Time

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It's been an hour or two of thought, and I mean if I'm getting to all of them, I just hit fuck it, I'll go out with Sera and Kai at the same time. How demanding can it be to take both of them out at once? Surely... to them... it's not a competition. I stop cuddling with Ahri, giving her a kiss goodbye and heading downstairs.

Kai is in the kitchen, and Sera is conveniently sitting at the bar, sipping some form of smoothie... oh she just got done working out... Y/N, IT IS RUDE TO STARE!!! EYES OFF!!! YES, THE K/DA SPORTS BRA LOOKS GOOD BUT LOOKING AT THE FLAT RUMP AGAINST THE STOOL IS TOO FAR!!! For a petite girl, her body is quite generous, alright that's enough.

Personally, I like it when her hair is let down and messy, sort of reminding me of Akali sometimes when I see her bedhead, which is also pretty cute. I want Eve to try a day without the buns... and see what happens.

Kai sees me approaching and her eyes widen, signaling Sera, and I was able to catch a "6 o'clock!" from her as I was approaching.

Kai: H-h-hey-FUCK!!! Hey Y/N...

Y/N: Uhhh... hey!

Sera: Smooth... what's going on? You beat up any bad guys?

Kai: Set a new record in our home gym?

Y/N: Sorry, but power lifting Ahri's Lambo is as far as I think I can go. And uhh... there's no bad guys to beat up, honestly, I think this is what my ultimate gift was, just life in peace, no more issues. Just time to spend with people I actually care about for a change, and not numbed by senseless violence ordered by my superiors. Never have I met people as caring as you guys, and... makes me happy you guys confessed to me.

Sera: For someone that's so stoic and few-worded... t-that was a lot of fire you just spoke... I wanna kiss you right now after that!

Kai softly: Same-

Sera: Just kidding... wait, WAIT! What was that, Kai?! I heard that, you ain't slick!

Kai looks away, sighing and shaking her head, but I wonder if that blush is on her face or not.

Y/N: Well... I'm happy you guys enjoyed that spill, some more than others... umm... Kai, what's cooking?

Kai: Oh, just making something for us for dinner... I was going to try and make a hot pot, a little stew that stems off of that... a stew that Akali likes that isn't ramen.

Y/N: Smells amazing... hey... I know you were cooking for the girls but... well... alright... never mind.

Sera: Y/N, do you wanna go out tonight?

Y/N: Funny! That's what I was going to ask... hehe...

Sera: Oh... cool... well, do you?

Y/N: Oh, I'd love to and Kai, do you want to come too?

Sera: Oh, uhh... what about "one-on-one"?

Y/N: I figured why choose, when... I can just bring you both? Both of you are single, both of you are willing to share me so, why not just take you both out to dinner? I know you guys get along well, like sisters, so what's a little tag teaming going to do? It's new for the three of us, why not own it and go in headfirst?

Sera: Oh, that's so right... god, you and I already share so much in common! I love trying new things! And Kai isn't very basic, either! You need to show him some of those new moves you learned!

Kai: I-I'm afraid those are for private eyes, hon.

Sera: What? Bullshit, those moves are for romancin'! You can actually put that pole to work again! I want you to show me again!

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