24: Tethi's Strength

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Kali: Yeah, I bagged my bike up for the winter... it's cool though, normally I just- n-never mind, he used to give me a ride...

Y/N: Well... you have your jacket and sweatpants on... 

Kali: Yeah, I dressed warm.

Y/N: We could take my bike. 

Kali: Except it's not a bike. 

Y/N: Yeah, it is, just because it's fast doesn't mean it isn't. 

Kali: NUH-UH!!! *Giggle* 

Y/N: So, it likes to float?! Maybe beep a little...

Ghost transmats the sparrow behind me, and I hop on it, putting my helmet on. 

Kali runs away to grab her helmet from the garage, an adorable cat-eared helmet. 

She puts it on, and her crazy hair gets crushed under it. 

Kali: Uhh... how do I... do? 

Ghost: Put your feet on the stabilizers with the guardian, make sure that they are in the bars that hang out. There you go! You have no controls to grab onto, so grab onto the guardian the best you can. 

Kali: Like... this...?

Kali snickers a little through her helmet, running her hands up my hips and wrapping them around my chest. 

Y/N: L-like that... 

Kali: Mmmm... you're so much stronger than him.

Y/N: It's all the coat, please don't tell me you'll act like this the whole time. 

Kali: No promises.

Y/N: Right... hold on! 

Kali: Oh, just start slow- 

Ghost: It doesn't work like that! 




Kali: Y/N! There's a block, there's road work! 

Y/N: Hold on! 

I spot a really convenient, movie-like dumpster that is open on one end, with the trash organized to look like a ramp. 

Ghost: Get them out of the way! 

I hit my horn. 


The construction bot, rolls backwards, opening it for me. 

Kali: AAAAAH!!! <YOU'RE CRAZY!!!> 



I hit the jump, sending myself over the intersection and landing on the other side. 


Kali: Woah! That landing was so soft! 

Y/N: Hover bikes are amazing for that! 

Ghost: I adjusted the stabilizers for the extra weight! 

I rip around a corner and end up at a gym. 

I just assume this is the one, based on Kali's directions. 

We stop right in front of the gym, in an open spot. 

Y/N: Alright, I think we made it. 

She's still holding onto my chest tightly. 

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