39: Hey, You...

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Y/N: Kai... I... I'll try my best to say it as nice as possible. I'm really sorry what happened to Jax. He was a good friend of mine, the reason I don't shed tears is because... well... this happened to me a lot in my old life. Guardians just come and go, that's the price you pay for immortality, you outlive those you love, whether their lives abruptly ended by a Hive ogre's smash or beheaded by a Cabal general after being captured.

I sigh, and sniffle slightly, inching forward in my hand to put my hand on her shoulder.

She isn't freezing cold anymore, she feels... normal.

Y/N: Sorry about that, anyway, Jax loved you, and you cannot blame yourself for Jax's death. He should've known what he was getting into when he borrowed money. Of course, he could have just asked you, but... he was worried about his pride, and didn't want you to be involved in anything sketchy. He cared about you so much, that ultimately, that resulted in his downfall. So no, don't blame yourself, it was him, he wanted this. I'm not here to replace him, I'm just here to comfort you.

I see her mouth begin to form a smirk, only slightly, so I know she's there.

Y/N: Those men that took his life? They're gone now, thanks to you, so no more lives will be ruined, and I'm very impressed. One final thing... I... know exactly what you're going through, and I'm going to help you get through it, one small step at a time. We all are, your sisters, your family, everyone...

I move my hand from her shoulder to her hand, she's still in that hotel bathrobe.

Her one finger twitches as the feeling of my warm hands, and all I do is just cover the top of her hand with my other hand, just sitting there with her.

Y/N: I'm not here as a potential love interest, but as a friend, someone hoping to help you, as I was asked by your sisters to help with some kind words. I promise, you and I can go visit Jax's grave, if there is one, and I can help you get through this, Kai... everything is going to be alright...

I see that smirk begin to show more.

I'm not giving her a wake-up kiss.

Y/N: I don't know to hug you... like this... so I'll just hug you the best I can.

I bend down and lightly pull her up so I can wrap around her back, giving her a hug.

What catches me off guard is... the arms... wrapping around my back.

It's Kai, she's hugging me, does that mean?

I separate from her.

Her smirk turns into a light smile, and her eyes begin to slowly open.

The purple amethyst crystals that she calls eyes greet me with their presence yet again.

Kai: Y-Y/N...

Y/N: You're finally awake... it's good to see you.

I hug her some more, and she softly groans into my shoulder.

Kai: This feels so nice...

That Awoken accent... I missed it.

Y/N: Should I go tell the others?

Kai: Go for it...

I let go of her and she reluctantly lets go of my hands.

I yank the door open.


I feel a bunch of popstar feet tip-tapping around and pitter-pattering as they all rush to Kai's room.

Multiverse Destiny (K/DA x Guardian Male Reader)(D1 x LoL)Where stories live. Discover now