H13: Sing for Me

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Kali: So, did you really just tell Jayce off, that's so awesome! 

Kayn: For real, it takes some bells to tell a guy like that off. 

Y/N: I learned from my mentor... you know what's gotta be done, and you're going to do it your own way, fuck the politics. Jayce said they wanted to exile me from Piltover, so I already know going to court to talk to them won't change much. They know I defeated that golem with some help. 

Kali: Just like how you were the defender of your... "Last City", you're one of the defenders of Piltover now! 

Sera: Oh, no wonder, Jayce would hate that. He thinks you're gonna be stealing his job! 

Kayn: Honestly should, it'd keep you busy, at least. 

Y/N: Fuck that, one of the reasons I left home was for that. 

Kayn: What, taking responsibility? 

Y/N: NO... maybe... just a little bit. 

We all chuckle just a tiny bit, and Kali gives me a glance. You know that glance, it's that Eve glance, where she sort of side-eyes me, with her elbows up on the table, and her chin in her hands. She waited till I acknowledged it and smirked, then went back to Kayn. 

Kali: Ahh... funny. 

Sera: Yeah, my Y/N is a bit of a clown... that's probably how he was able to charm 3 cuties. 

Kali: Got room for a 4th? 

We all giggle... but Kayn did only a little, he didn't find that so funny and I could see why. However, chivalry is not a strong suit for me, and I'm not the most truthful, straightforward guardian out there, as I am a hunter. If Kali wants some, she's going to get it, and worst of all? She knows that. 

Y/N: I mean... hey... 

Kayn: Alright, alright! Calm down, you horny dogs, jeez... wait till we get home, babe. 

Kali: Oh, you got a plan for me? 

Kayn: Maybe... 

Kayn leans in and starts whispering in her ear, but she's not looking at him, she's looking at me. The way she's acting makes her look like she belongs to the streets, or she just thinks Kayn is old news. 

She opens her mouth partly and gritting her teeth with a devilish smile on her face, and I can feel her foot brush up my calf. Then, she smirks, and when Kayn backs away, she's biting her lip, staring at me. 

Kayn: What do you think of that? 

Kali: Hot... 

The waiter comes by and breaks up this horny posting. He's here with some of our food. Oh, I forgot to mention we went to a Korean place, or more Northern Ionian food. Hot, very spicy when it can be, perfect for keeping you warm in those mountains. 

Waiter: Alright, here we go... we have the Ramyun... 

Kali: Sweeeeet... 

Waiter: And you two ordered food for the hot pot... 

Sera and Kayn: WOOOO!!!

The Waiter kicks the side of the table and on Sera and Kayn's side, a hot pot literally uncovers itself, huh, so that's why the table was warm. Just a pot with some boiling, spicy water to cook stuff in. 

According to Akali, I ordered my death sentence, because I wanted something spicy. Kayn said the buldak or the "fire chicken" challenge, was the spiciest thing they have on the menu, and I don't know about you, but I like spicy food. 

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